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预筛选候选人的 3 个好处



1. 优质候选人的增加

在使用预筛选过程时,可以体验到申请人质量的整体提高通过简单地向所有申请人宣布背景和过去的就业调查将作为申请过程的一部分,您将阻止不合适的候选人申请。对于在简历上不诚实的申请人来说也是如此。近 51% 的简历包含教育、过去工作表现和就业方面的不准确之处。当您预先筛选这些不准确之处时,您可以通过只专注于招聘高质量、准确代表的候选人来节省时间。这降低了招聘不当的风险,并最终提高了人才库的质量。


2. 短期和长期成本效益 

糟糕的招聘成本可能对公司不利,特别是如果你在短时间内有几个。您是否知道,一次糟糕的招聘可能会使您的公司损失几乎是员工工资的 1.5 倍,而且员工级别越高,倍数越高?简而言之,一次糟糕的雇佣代价高昂,但可以通过预先筛选过程来避免。与上述统计数据相比,实施就业前筛选解决方案(如 观火背调)的成本最低。此外,通过在招聘过程之前筛选候选人,您将节省您的团队时间。这会通过优化员工生产力带来长期的财务收益。


3. 降低不良雇佣的非货币风险



The 3 Benefits of Pre-Screening Candidates

There are many benefits of pre-screening a potential employee. Our team has collected the top three for you to consider when deciding whether or not to add a pre-screening component to your recruitment process.


1. A Rise in Quality Candidates

An overall improvement in the quality of applicants can be experienced when using a pre-screening process. By simply announcing to all applicants that background and past employment checks will be required as a part of the application process, you will discourage non-fit candidates from applying. The same is true for applicants who have been dishonest on their resumes. Nearly 51% of resumes contain inaccuracies in education, past job performance, and employment. When you pre-screen for these inaccuracies, you save yourself time by only focusing on recruiting quality, accurately-represented candidates. This mitigates the risk of a bad hire and, ultimately, drives up the quality of your talent pool.


2. A Short- and Long-term Cost Benefit 

The cost of a bad hire can be detrimental to a company, especially if you have had several in a short timeframe. Did you know that a bad hire can cost your company nearly 1.5 times the amount of the salary of the employee, and the multiple goes up the more senior the employee? In short, a bad hire is costly but can be avoided with a pre-screening process. The cost of implementing a pre-employment screening solution, like GOOHO, is minimal when compared to the statistic above. Furthermore, by screening out candidates ahead of the hiring process, you will save your team time. This leads to long-term gains financially through employee productivity optimization.


3. Mitigation of Non-Monetary Risk of a Bad Hire

A bad hire may cost a lot, but you can also lose a lot more than money if an inappropriate hire is made. For example, bad publicity for your company that causes severe damage to your reputation can be experienced. Lack of compliance can cause you to become in trouble with city and state, or provincial, governments, opening yourself up to lawsuits. Lastly, fraud and theft may also happen with a bad hire which decreases the morale of the workplace due to lack of trust from management and beyond.

Having a pre-screening  process in the recruitment of candidates in place can help you appoint the best person for the job, comply with employment laws, minimize the risk of fraud or theft, protect your company’s reputation and reduce the overall costs of recruiting for your team. If you’re interested in learning more about how to implement a solution for your company, gooho is happy to help discuss the best solution for you.
