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但是,您可能想要切换到新的提供商的原因有很多,包括 – 性能问题,例如周转时间过慢、削减成本的压力以及与当前或未来的申请人跟踪系统 (ATS) 的集成不佳或不存在。对于某些公司而言,最令人信服的原因可能是有效的筛选计划可以成为显着的竞争优势。

请记住,在寻找新的运输筛查合作伙伴时,所有提供商都不尽相同。公司通常将筛选过程视为商品服务,但事实并非如此。您应该选择一家在数千个运输客户方面拥有多年经验并且精通联邦汽车运输安全管理局 (FMCSA) 和运输部 (DOT) 法规的供应商。



 2. 配置灵活性运输组织通常跨多个州运营,这些州可能有不同的监管要求。您需要就如何灵活设置软件包和用户进行专家咨询,以便为本地用户提供足够的自由来做他们需要做的事情,但仍保留公司级别的控制权和可见性,以确保一致性和合规性。

 3. 全国服务:寻找一个在全国范围内提供强大足迹的背景调查提供商。小型区域服务提供商可能没有需要广泛的专业知识或监管技能来处理多地点组织的客户群。

 4. 专门的实施团队寻找一个筛选提供商,在整个实施过程中和启动后过程中分配一个专门的客户团队。这确保了整个项目的连续性,从而带来更高的质量和更好的结果。

内部运输行业专业知识员工 应具备 FMCSA 和 DOT 法规方面的广泛专业知识。运输团队的每个成员都应该在他或她的职能领域拥有强大的资质,并接受有关正确程序和法规的培训。

强大的 ATS/HR 系统集成选择与领先的 HR 系统供应商良好集成的筛选供应商,以在其筛选解决方案和最流行的 ATS 系统之间提供即插即用的互操作性。与您的 HR 平台预先集成的筛选系统更易于实施和部署。这意味着它们将更易于使用,并且可以在对您的日常操作的干扰最小的情况下进行设置。

 7 . 药物和健康检查鉴于管理该行业的严格(且不断变化)的州和联邦法规,将药物和健康检查服务无缝集成到您的招聘过程中是绝对必要的。寻找允许您直接通过背景筛选门户订购产品的供应商,采用可收集标本的全国性设施网络,提供最新的筛选技术,并使用可生成数字审计跟踪的电子记录保存系统。由于规模经济,这有助于降低每个屏幕的成本。


If you are considering changing your current background screening provider, you may find it difficult to gain support at the executive level. After all, this type of change can be potentially disruptive to your business.

However, there are many reasons why you might want to switch to a new provider including – performance issues such as unacceptably slow turnaround times, pressures to cut costs, and poor or nonexistent integration with a current or future applicant tracking system (ATS). The most compelling reason for some companies might be that an effective screening program can be a significant competitive advantage.

Screening is Not a Commodity Service
Keep in mind that when looking for a new transportation screening partner, all providers are not the same. Companies often look at the screening process as a commodity service, but this is far from the truth. You should select a vendor who has years of experience with thousands of transportation customers, and is well versed in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations.

Key criteria when evaluating transportation screening providers

1A well-defined process and track record: Limit the field to screening providers that offer a detailed, well-defined, and thoroughly documented implementation process that has been executed many times before. Focus on providers that have demonstrable experience with transportation organizations of all sizes and with multiple geographic locations.

 2. Configuration flexibilityTransportation organizations often operate across multiple states that may have different regulatory requirements. You’ll need expert consultation on how to set up packages and users flexibly to give enough freedom to local users to do what they need to do, but still retain control and visibility at the corporate level to ensure consistency and compliance.

 3. Nationwide service: Look for a background checking provider that offers a robust nationwide footprint. Small, regional service providers may not have a customer base that requires broad expertise or regulatory skills to handle multi-location organizations.

 4. Dedicated implementation teamFind a screening provider that assigns a dedicated client team for the entire duration of the implementation and post-launch process. This ensures continuity throughout the project, which leads to higher quality and better outcomes.

5In-house transportation industry expertiseEmployees should possess extensive expertise with FMCSA and DOT regulations. Each member of the transportation team should bring strong credentials in his or her functional area and be trained on proper procedures and regulations.

6Robust ATS/HR system integrationSelect a screening provider that integrates well with the leading HR system vendors to provide plug-and-play interoperability between their screening solution and the most popular ATS systems. Screening systems that are pre-integrated to work with your HR platform are easier to implement and faster to deploy. This means they will be easier to use, and can be set up with minimal disruptions to your daily operations.

 7Drug and health screeningSeamlessly integrating drug and health screening services into your hiring process is an absolute necessity given the stringent (and constantly changing) state and federal regulations that govern the industry. Look for a provider that allows you to order products directly through the background screening portal, employs a nationwide network of facilities where specimens can be collected, offers the latest screening technology, and uses an electronic recordkeeping system that produces a digital audit trail. This can help reduce the cost per screen due to economies of scale.

8Mobile device accessA transportation company’s workforce is always on the move. Hiring an experienced driver who is constantly on the road can be a challenge. Choose a screening provider that offers access to its system from the full range of mobile computing devices and utilizes digital signatures. This ensures a better user experience and may accelerate hiring times to give your organization a competitive edge in the war for talent.
