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你最近被解雇了吗?如果是这样,您可能有资格申请失业救济金。有些人对申请失业犹豫不决,因为担心未来雇主会如何看待失业。作为员工背景调查的一部分,雇主确实倾向于查看候选人工作经历中的差距 。求职者有时担心一次收集几个月的失业救济金可能会对他们的主动性和动力产生负面影响。


首先,让我们看看申请失业的过程。如果您因公司裁员而失业,您可以申请失业。如果您被解雇,您也可能有资格,但仅限于某些情况。例如,“因故”被解雇的人——例如性行为不端——不符合失业条件。某人因缺乏手头工作所需的技能而被解雇,与此同时,可能有资格。如果你辞掉工作,你就 没有 资格失业。


大多数员工背景调查并非旨在查找失业信息。最常见的就业前背景调查 是犯罪史筛查,与失业救济金无关。员工背景调查是对公共记录信息的搜索,失业救济金不属于公共记录的一部分。失业办公室或任何其他政府机构披露您可能已收到的失业救济金的信息是违法的。

然而,这一事实并不意味着未来的雇主永远不会了解您的就业差距。一般的招聘经理可能不太关心您是否领取失业救济金,而更关心您的工作经历。从您提交简历作为工作申请流程的一部分的那一刻起,您的工作经历就会被考虑在内。许多雇主利用 工作历史验证检查 来确保他们的候选人诚实地了解过去的雇主、职位、工作职责和就业日期。

虽然员工背景调查不能显示失业救济金,但它们 可以 显示您失业期间工作经历的差距。

这个事实让你在哪里?对于雇主来说,最重要的因素是诚实。 简历谎言相对常见,但对雇主不诚实并陷入谎言通常会使您失去任何可能已经摆在桌面上的工作机会 - 无论谎言多么小。


employee background checks. Job seekers sometimes worry that collecting unemployment for months at a time might reflect negatively on their initiative and drive.

The question is, can an employer tell that you were receiving unemployment payments by running a background check?

To start, let’s look at the process that goes into applying for unemployment. If you have been unemployed due to company cutbacks, you can file for unemployment. You may also be eligible if you are fired, but only under certain circumstances. For instance, someone fired “for cause”—such as for sexual misconduct—is not eligible for unemployment. Someone terminated for lacking the skills necessary for the job at hand, meanwhile, might be eligible. If you quit your job, you are not eligible for unemployment.

Your previous employer will always be notified if you file for unemployment. Unemployment offices must verify information about you before they can grant your unemployment claim, including your hiring date, termination date, reason for termination, and earnings. Your previous employer can contest your unemployment claim if they don’t think that you are eligible—such as if you quit or if they fired you for cause.

Most employee background checks are not designed to find unemployment information. The most common pre-employment background check is a criminal history screening, which has nothing to do with unemployment benefits. Employee background checks are searches of public record information, and unemployment benefits are not part of the public record. It is illegal for unemployment offices—or any other government agencies—to disclose information about unemployment benefits that you may have received.

However, this fact doesn’t mean that a prospective employer won’t ever learn about gaps in your employment. The average hiring manager will likely care less about you receiving unemployment benefits and more about your employment history. From the moment when you submit your resume as part of the job application process, your work history will be under consideration. Many employers utilize work history verification checks to make sure that their candidates are honest about past employers, job titles, job responsibilities, and employment dates.

While employee background checks can’t show unemployment payments, they can show gaps in your work history during which you were unemployed.

Where does this fact put you? To employers, the most important factor is honesty. Resume lies are relatively common, but being dishonest with an employer and getting caught in the lie will typically cost you any job opportunity that may have been on the table—no matter how minor the lie.

Telling the truth about your work history and explaining gaps in your resume truthfully will reflect on you better than lying about it will. Perhaps you weren’t working because you were caring for a sick loved one, or maybe you were laid off during a global economic recession—employers will often show some empathy for such circumstances.
