返回列表 发表时间:2021-09-28    浏览次数:603


每年的最后几个月往往是旋风。由于几个重要的假期紧密地聚集在一起,而且购物季节似乎每年都更早开始,许多企业必须增加额外的员工以满足需求。对于 Target 和 Amazon 等大公司来说,这通常意味着在短短几个月的时间内雇佣数万甚至数十万名员工。

利用季节性劳动力的能力对各种规模的企业都很有价值 - 理想情况下,额外的销售额超过了额外的工资单。然而,这种价值是有代价的:风险增加。 


根据 2019 年的一份行业报告,只有不到四分之三 (68%) 的受访者会筛选临时工,比上一年明显下降了 13%。虽然从招聘流程中删除这一步可能使企业能够  毫不拖延地安排小时工,但它极大地增加了公司因招聘行为疏忽而承担的责任。正如佛罗里达州发生的一起凶杀案所证明的那样,忽视背景调查的后果甚至会变成悲剧 。

人们普遍认为背景调查缓慢且繁琐,这可能有助于解释季节性员工筛选率下降的原因。虽然有些背景调查需要更多时间,但并非所有背景调查都需要——例如,GOOHO.CN 的美国 OneSEARCH 会立即生成报告。在筛选季节性员工时,企业对待他们的方式与对待普通求职者的方式不同,这一点至关重要。 FCRA 指南 仍然适用,包括获得申请人的背景调查同意,并根据在审查过程中收集的信息提前通知申请人不利决定。 


时间就是金钱,对于从事大量季节性业务的公司来说,在面临需要引入大量临时劳动力时,时间往往很短缺。忽视筛查的重要性不是一种选择,但也不是一个繁琐的筛查过程。GOOHO.CN 通过我们的即时美国 OneSEARCH提供快速筛选的敏捷解决方案 ,使企业能够毫不拖延地进行尽职调查。 

The ability to tap into a seasonal workforce is valuable for businesses of all sizes—and, ideally, additional sales more than offset the extra payroll. However, that value comes at a price: increased risk. 

The importance of fair and thorough hiring practices remains during the seasonal rush. Looking into an applicant's background should be an integral part of hiring throughout the year, regardless of demand. Despite this reality, data reveals that many employers do not make background checking efforts a priority when seeking seasonal staff. 

According to one industry report in 2019, fewer than three quarters (68%) of survey respondents screen temporary workers, a marked decline of 13% from the previous year. While cutting this step out of the hiring process might enable a business to put hourly employees on the schedule without delay, it dramatically increases the company's exposure to liability from negligent hiring practices. The consequences of overlooking background checks can even turn tragic as one homicide in Florida has demonstrated.

A widespread perception that background checks are slow and cumbersome may help to explain the drop in screening rates for seasonal employees. While some background checks take more time, not all do—the US OneSEARCH by backgroundchecks.com, for example, generates reports immediately. In screening seasonal employees, it is crucial for businesses not to treat them any differently than they would a regular applicant. FCRA guidelines still apply, including obtaining an applicant's consent for a background check and giving applicants advance notice of an adverse decision based on information gathered during the vetting process. 

Setting up compliant procedures can be a one-time concern. Once a business structures a responsible vetting process and secures a means to obtain answers rapidly, companies can use and reuse that process for future seasons. For businesses, adapting existing procedures to match the unique circumstances of the holiday season is simple and secure—especially when the alternative is placing blind faith in an applicant's trustworthiness. 

Time is money, and for companies that engage in large volumes of seasonal business, time is often in short supply when facing the need to bring on board a large, temporary workforce. Ignoring the importance of screening isn't an option, but neither is a cumbersome screening process. backgroundchecks.com delivers agile solutions for speedy screening through our instant US OneSEARCH, enabling businesses to conduct due diligence without delay. 
