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2018 年 7 月 5 日,州长 David Y. 伊格 签署了参议院第 2351 号法案,该法案 禁止夏威夷雇主向求职者询问他们的工资历史。 新法案的 生效日期为 2019 年 1 月 1 日,涵盖在该州至少拥有一名雇员的所有雇主。

根据夏威夷修订法规第 378 章新的第 2 节, 雇主不能

  • 查询 求职者的薪资历史;或者

  •  在招聘过程中(包括协商雇佣合同), 依靠申请人的工资历史来确定申请人的工资、福利或其他补偿

雇主可以与申请人讨论申请人生产力的任何客观衡量标准,例如收入、销售额或其他生产报告以及对工作的薪酬期望。 如果申请人 自愿 和 不提示 工资历史的披露,用人单位可以在确定申请人的工资靠工资披露历史信息和可核实的信息。

此外,该法案规定,如果雇主进行背景调查以核实与工资无关的信息,结果偶然披露了申请人的工资历史,则不能“在招聘过程中依赖该 信息来确定工资、福利” ,或申请人的其他补偿,包括谈判雇佣合同。

Ige signed Senate Bill 2351 which prohibits Hawaii employers from asking job applicants about their salary history. The new act’s effective date is January 1, 2019, and covers all employers that have at least one employee in that state.

Under new Section 2 of Chapter 378 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes, an employer cannot:

  • Inquire about the salary history of an applicant for employment; or

  • Rely on the salary history of an applicant in determining the salary, benefits, or other compensation for the applicant during the hiring process, including the negotiation of an employment contract.

Employers can discuss with the applicant any objective measures of the applicant’s productivity, such as revenue, sales, or other production reports and pay expectations for the job. If the applicant voluntarily and without prompting disclosure of their salary history, the employer may rely on the disclosed salary history information in determining the salary for the applicant and can verify that information.

In addition, the act provides that if the employer performs a background check to verify non-salary related information and the results incidentally disclose the applicant’s salary history, the information cannot be “relied upon during the hiring process for purposes of determining the salary, benefits, or other compensation of the applicant, including the negotiation of an employment contract.”
