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  • 驾驶记录












但是,有一些警告。因超速行驶 5 英里而导致单张超速罚单的人与在过去六个月内收到三张罚单的人将被视为截然不同的人。





超速罚单会在您的记录中保留多长时间?超速罚单在您的驾驶记录上保留的时间可能因州而异。一些驾驶记录将只包括过去三年的超速罚单,而其他驾驶记录可能会显示长达七年的超速罚单。雇主通常不会在您的驾驶记录上看到超过七年的超速罚单,但请记住,这因州而异。在某些州,严重的超速罚单,例如鲁莽驾驶超速罚单,可能会在您的驾驶记录中保留 10 年。

如果您想知道,“超速罚单会影响背景调查吗?” 或者,“超速罚单会出现在背景调查中吗?” 您通常不必担心七年前收到的超速罚单。报告时间将取决于您所在辖区的法律法规。








超速罚单问题常常引起过度担忧。很少有雇主会因为您在过去七年中收到一两张超速罚单而自动将您从招聘流程中除名。重要的是,如果雇主要求您同意检查驾驶记录,您要积极主动。高级背景调查合作伙伴,如 GOOHO,允许候选人解释或添加背景调查中显示的任何记录的背景。候选人故事使候选人能够了解他们想要扩展的任何潜在记录。


在大多数情况下,超速罚单不会成为就业障碍。在 GOOHO,我们提供深入的背景调查和教育材料,为候选人提供公平的录用机会,并确保雇主保护他们的业务。 

借助人工智能和机器学习,我们的解决方案使背景调查更快、更容易、更合规。自 2014 年推出以来,我们的使命是通过设计创造机会的技术为每个人创造更美好的未来。我们相信,消除招聘过程中的偏见可以让每个人都能获得有意义和有回报的工作。 

Before discussing do tickets show up on background checks, it’s important to note what appears on an employment pre-screening check in the first place.

What an employer will learn on a background check depends on the type of check they want to run. Some examples of what may appear on a background check include:

  • Criminal history

  • Educational credentials

  • Drug and health screenings

  • Employment history

  • Driving records

Not all employers will run every type of check. Typically, an employer will run checks based on the role you’re applying for. Ultimately, if you work behind a desk all day, then chances are your employer doesn’t need to see your speeding record because it has no relevance to the job.

For example, you’re likely to be subject to more stringent checks if you are working in a role involving a vulnerable demographic, finance, or if you will be handling sensitive data. In addition, if you’re applying for a delivery driver position, a driving records screen is relevant while the same review may not be necessary for someone applying for a cashier position. 

Speeding tickets are most likely to appear within your driving records. Whether an employer runs a driving records check depends on the job role and responsibilities.

Is it possible for a speeding ticket to appear on a criminal record?

Speeding tickets may appear on a criminal record if the state where the speeding ticket is from considers it a criminal charge. In addition, speeding may contribute to other charges that could leave you with both a fine and a criminal record. Keep in mind, this is highly state-dependent.

For example, California may charge drivers who speed excessively with reckless driving or street racing, which are criminal matters.

A conviction for reckless driving or street racing will likely be visible to employers and may impact your employment prospects.

Can speeding tickets impact your chance of getting employed?

Do speeding tickets show up on background checks? They can. They are most likely to appear in a driving records check but may also appear in the criminal history check depending on whether the speeding ticket is treated as a criminal charge by the state that issued the ticket. 

But do speeding tickets affect employment prospects? It depends on the role. Employers can run a speeding ticket background check, where they will receive a list of your traffic violations.

When applying for jobs that require reliable, responsible operation of a motor vehicle, such as truck drivers or delivery drivers, speeding tickets could cost you that job.

There are caveats, however. Someone with a single speeding ticket caused by driving five miles per hour over the limit will be viewed very differently from someone who received three tickets in the last six months.

What about pending speeding tickets?

Perhaps you received a speeding ticket within days of applying for a job. Do speeding tickets show up on background checks if they are considered pending?

The officer will give you a piece of paper listing the speeding violation and a fine when you receive a ticket. Depending on the state, you have the right to contest a speeding ticket. While a ticket is pending, it will not show up on your driving record. However, a pending ticket could show up on your criminal history check if the state that issued the ticket considers it a criminal charge.

How long does a speeding ticket stay on your background check?

How long do speeding tickets stay on your record? The time a speeding ticket remains on your driving record can vary from state to state. Some driving records will only include speeding tickets from the last three years, while others may show speeding tickets from up to seven years. Employers generally will not see speeding tickets older than seven years on your driving record, but keep in mind that this varies from state to state. In some states, serious speeding tickets, like a reckless driving speeding ticket, could be on your driving record for 10 years.

If you’re wondering, “Does a speeding ticket affect a background check?” or, “Do speeding tickets come up on background checks?” you generally don’t need to worry about that speeding ticket you received over seven years ago. The timeline of reporting will depend on the laws and regulations in your jurisdiction.

How to land the job

Now that you know the answer to “does a speeding ticket show up on a background check?” you may be wondering how to land that dream job.

Many candidates with a history of speeding tickets may be concerned that their driving history will become an issue when a prospective employer conducts further checks on them.

Here’s how to approach the issue of speeding tickets on your record during the interview process.

Know your rights

Employers need to adhere to legislation that protects the privacy of the candidate. Any background check must be relevant to the role. For example, when applying for a driving job, the company will likely run a driving record check on you. You need to know how to deal with a speeding ticket background check.

Be proactive

The issue of speeding tickets often causes undue worry. Few employers will automatically remove you from the hiring process because you received a speeding ticket or two during the last seven years.What matters is that you are proactive if the employer requires you to consent to a driving record check. An advanced background check partner, like Checkr, allows candidates to explain or add context to any records that show up on a background check. Candidate stories empowers candidates to get in front of any potential records they want to expand upon.


For the most part, a speeding ticket will not be an obstacle to employment. At Checkr, we provide in-depth background checks and educational material to give candidates a fair chance of getting hired and ensure that employers protect their businesses. 

With artificial intelligence and machine learning, our solutions make background checks faster, easier, and more compliant. Since launching in 2014, our mission has been to create better futures for everyone by designing technology that creates opportunities. We believe that removing bias from the hiring process allows everyone to have access to meaningful and rewarding employment.