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2017 年 6 月 1 日,州长凯特·布朗签署了 2005 年众议院法案“俄勒冈州同工同酬法案”,使俄勒冈州成为 2017 年第一个 禁止雇主在招聘过程中询问求职者工资历史的州。新法案禁止雇主根据员工的性别、种族、宗教、性取向、国籍、婚姻状况、退伍军人身份、残疾或年龄向其支付较少的薪酬。

根据 ORS 第 659A 章,雇主或潜在雇主:

  • 根据当前或过去的薪酬筛选求职者;

  • 根据潜在员工当前或过去的薪酬确定职位薪酬;和

  • 从申请人或雇员或申请人或雇员的现任或前任雇主处查询申请人或雇员的工资历史。


禁止雇主查询工资历史的规定已于201710月6日生效。 此外,允许对查询工资历史的雇主提起民事诉讼的规定直到2024年1月1日才被允许。


  • 该法案适用于俄勒冈州的所有雇主。 

  • 雇主不得向求职者索取薪酬历史信息。

  • 在雇主提供包括补偿金额的工作机会后,允许雇主要求申请人提供书面授权以确认先前的补偿。

to prohibit employers from asking for applicants’ salary histories during the hiring process. The new act prohibits employers from paying employees less compensation based on their gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, veteran status, disability, or age.

Under ORS Chapter 659A, it is an unlawful practice for an employer or prospective employer to:

  • Screen job applicants based on current or past compensation;

  • Determine compensation for a position based on current or past compensation of a prospective employee; and

  • Seek the salary history of an applicant or employee from the applicant or employee from the applicant or employee or a current or former employer of the applicant or employee.

The employer may request a prospective employee for a written authorization to confirm prior compensation after the employer makes an offer of employment that includes an amount of compensation.

The provision prohibiting employers from seeking salary history already took effect on October 6, 2017. In addition, the provision allowing civil actions against employers who seek salary history are not permitted until January 1, 2024.

What This Means to You:

  • This act applies to all employers in Oregon. 

  • Employers may not seek compensation history information from job applicants.

  • An employer is permitted to request an applicant for written authorization to confirm prior compensation after the employer makes an offer of employment that includes an amount of compensation.

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