返回列表 发表时间:2021-08-30    浏览次数:871



为了帮助消除背景筛选中的一些谜团,我们收集了 HR 专业人士的各种问题。


  • 背景调查需要多长时间?

  • 你能插入一些 CSI 类型的数据库并获得即时的犯罪背景信息吗?

  • 一个成功的背景调查程序是什么样的?

  • 我真的需要进行电子验证检查吗?

  • 为什么不能直接在 Google 或 Facebook 上查找候选人?

  • 其他背景调查供应商从未强迫我进行资格认证。为什么我要和你们做呢?

  • 为什么核实过去的雇主如此困难?

  • 如果候选人的申请或简历中列出的学校不再存在怎么办?

  • 我真的必须“禁止盒子”吗?

  • 我们应该如何进行药物使用测试?

  • In order to help diffuse some of the mystery in background screening, we have collected various questions from HR Professionals.

  • See the answers to the top background check questions, including:

  • How long do background checks take?

  • Can you just plug into some CSI-type database and get instant criminal background info?

  • What does a successful background check program look like?

  • Do I actually need to conduct E-verify checks?

  • Why can’t you just look up the candidate on Google or Facebook?

  • Other background check vendors never forced me to go through credentialing. Why do I have to do it with you guys?

  • Why is it so difficult to verify past employers?

  • What if schools listed on the candidate’s application or resume are no longer in existence?

  • Do I really have to “Ban the Box?”

  • How should we be testing for drug use?

  • 电子屏_画板 7.png