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司机背调的4 个阶段




  • 就业历史搜索——按照 FMCSA 的要求,核实司机三年以前的就业历史

  • 商业驾驶执照信息系统 (CDLIS) – 获取驾驶员当前的和最多三个先前的 CDL,这将帮助汽车承运人确定请求驾驶员机动车辆记录的正确状态。

  • 社会安全号码 (SSN) 检查– 确定 SSN 是否可能无效。这是一项重要的初始检查,应进行,因为将使用 SSN 进行其他搜索。



  • 机动车报告——来自每个州的MVR,如果司机在前 3 年持有 CDL,将满足三年驾驶历史要求。雇主将根据 CDLIS 报告返回的信息知道从哪些州订购报告。

  • 就业验证——当一名或多名司机以前受 DOT 监管的雇主不参与电子就业历史数据库时,必须向雇主发送手动请求以完成所需的三年就业历史要求

  • 药物/酒精违规历史验证-根据 DOT 49 CFR 第 40 部分的要求获得三年的药物/酒精违规历史。

  • 就业前筛查计划 (PSP) – 通过FMCSA 的 PSP 报告获取驾驶员记录,其中包括最近五年的碰撞数据(DOT 可记录事故)和三年的路边检查。

  • 国家和县犯罪历史搜索 - 搜索记录以确定候选人是否有犯罪历史

  • 全国性犯罪者登记处搜索——搜索全国性犯罪者公共网站以搜索所有 50 个州、华盛顿特区、美国领土和美国原住民部落的性犯罪者登记处

第 3 阶段:条件筛选


  • 就业前药物测试- 强制要求 CDL 司机获得阴性测试结果。

  • 医疗资格标准- 由 FMCSA 国家注册处获得许可、认证和注册的体检医师验证,证明驾驶员具有驾驶商用机动车辆的身体资格(DOT 医疗证明)。

第 4 阶段:持续筛选


  • 随机选择药物和酒精测试——在安全敏感职位上受 DOT 监管的员工必须成为每年按特定要求百分比测试随机库的一部分

  • 事故后药物和酒精测试——如果发生事故,导致 (i) 人员伤亡或 (ii) 如果机动车造成人身伤害或致残损坏,则向驾驶员发出传票;事故发生后,需要尽快对驾驶员进行受控物质和酒精测试

  • 合理怀疑药物和酒精测试——如果汽车承运人有理由怀疑司机违反了 DOT 禁令,则必须进行药物和酒精测试

  • 每月机动车辆报告监控– 监控当前驾驶员机动车辆记录变化的月度服务。

  • 年度驾驶记录审查——汽车承运人必须至少每 12 个月获取一次驾驶员的机动车记录。

  • 体检-一个DOT体检的有效期为24个月。由于医疗条件或问题减轻,有执照的体检医师可能会签发少于 24 个月的证书。


Stage One: Candidate Pre-Screening

The following initial screens are recommended to weed out those candidates who do not meet the basic minimum hiring criteria.

  • Employment History Search – verify a driver’s three-year previous employment history as required by FMCSA.

  • Commercial Driver’s License Information System (CDLIS) – obtain a driver’s current and up to three prior CDLs, which will help the motor carrier determine the proper states from which to request the driver’s motor vehicle records.

  • Social Security Number (SSN) Check – identify whether a SSN may be invalid. This is an important initial check that should be conducted since additional searches will be conducted using an SSN.

Stage Two: Core Screening

Once you have determined that a candidate meets your basic qualifications, more extensive screening can help ensure the most qualified driver candidate is selected.

  • Motor Vehicle Reports – MVRs from each state where a driver held a CDL in the prior 3 years will satisfy the three-year driving history requirement. Employers will know which states to order reports from based on the information returned from the CDLIS report.

  • Employment Verifications – when one or more of a driver’s previous DOT regulated employers does not participate in an electronic employment history database then manual requests must be sent to employers to complete the required three-year employment history requirement.

  • Drug/Alcohol Violation History Verifications – obtain a three-year drug/alcohol violation history as required by DOT 49 CFR Part 40.

  • Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP)– driver records are obtained through FMCSA’s PSP report, which includes the most recent five years of crash data (DOT recordable accidents) and three years of roadside inspection.

  • National and County Criminal History Searches –records are searched to identify whether a candidate has a criminal history.

  • National Sex Offender Registry Search – searches the National Sex Offender Public Website to search the sex offender registries of all 50 States, Washington D.C., U.S. Territories and U.S. Native American Tribes.

Stage 3: Conditional Screening

Regulated employees are often subject to drug testing and health screenings.

  • Pre-Employment Drug Test – a negative test result is mandated for CDL drivers.

  • Medical Qualification Standards – validation from a licensed, certified and registered medical examiner in FMCSA’s National Registry that the driver is physically qualified to drive a commercial motor vehicle (DOT medical certificate).

Stage 4: Ongoing Screening

Regulations require certain screens be performed periodically.

  • Random Selection Drug and Alcohol Testing – DOT-regulated employees in safety sensitive positions are required to be part of a random pool tested at certain required percentages annually.

  • Post-Accident Drug and Alcohol Testing – in the event of an accident that results in (i) loss of human life or (ii) a citation being issued to the driver if there is either bodily injury or disabling damage to a motor vehicle; controlled substance and alcohol testing needs to be conducted on the driver as soon as practicable following the accident.

  • Reasonable Suspicion Drug and Alcohol Testing – drug and alcohol testing must be conducted if the motor carrier has reasonable suspicion a driver has violated DOT prohibitions.

  • Monthly Motor Vehicle Report Monitoring – monthly service that monitors for changes to a current driver’s motor vehicle record.

  • Annual Driving Record Review – motor carriers must obtain a driver’s motor vehicle record at least once every 12 months.

  • Physical Exams – a DOT physical exam is valid for up to 24 months. The licensed medical examiner may issue a certificate for less than 24 months due to extenuating medical conditions or concerns.

It is important to work with a background screening partner who is experienced with the unique requirements of the transportation industry and who has the ability to help identify and close potential screening gaps or inconsistencies in your program.
