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背景调查实施过程中的 7 个风险




    1. 变革阻力:每当组织内部发生变化时,总会有某种员工的阻力。


      在实施新的背景筛查系统时,让员工随时了解即将发生的变化,并提供有关本应已实施的合规标准的培训,例如 2012 年EEOC 执行指南关于在就业决策中考虑逮捕和定罪记录向员工保证,他们将在新员工筛选系统启动之前接受适当的培训,以及启动后的支持。


    1. 错误开始:当有不熟悉的流程干扰新筛查计划的启动时,员工可能会将新筛查提供商视为不便并恢复旧习惯。




    1. 项目管理费用:如果没有适当的实施计划,项目截止日期就会开始推迟,从而导致不必要的费用。




    1. 业务执行影响:新流程和技术可能会导致延误,从而影响截止日期、工作量和有竞争力的人才的招聘。




    1. 员工培训:当员工不快速采用新程序时,他们的生产力和效率就会降低,组织就会损失收入。




    1. 不完整或未记录的流程:当程序、流程和组织政策没有记录或记录不完整时,医疗保健组织将无法遵循所实施的招聘标准。




  1. 风险增加:实施不当的背景审查计划可能会导致错误的招聘决策,这会增加您的管理成本并使组织面临合规处罚和诉讼的风险。



  2. bad hires, losing talent because of slow turnaround times, failing to comply with hiring regulations and a mess of legal issues.

  3. If your organization has ever dealt with such risks, it may be time for a switch to a new employee background screening service. By using a screening provider that addresses the organization’s industry-specific needs and offers change management support, should do everything it can to make the switch smoother for you.

  4. The following is a look at the risks that health care organizations face during the implementation of a new screening program and what an organization can do mitigate them:

    1. Resistance to Change: Whenever there’s a change within an organization, there is always going to be some kind of employee resistance.


      When implementing a new background screening system, keep employees in the loop about the changes to come and offer trainings about compliance standards that should already be in place, like the 2012 EEOC Enforcement Guidance on the Consideration of Arrest and Conviction Records in Employment Decisions. Assure the employees that they’ll receive the proper training before the launch of the new employee screening system, as well as post-launch support.


    1. False Starts: When there are unfamiliar processes that disrupt the launch of a new screening program, employees may view the new screening provider as an inconvenience and revert to old habits.


      To prevent false starts, look for a background screening company that has detailed implementation plans that they’ve tested and used in the past. The predictability of the plans gives the organization a look at the difficulties that may arise and builds trust in your employees that switching providers will be easier than they thought and help you maintain momentum during the transition.


    1. Project Management Expenses: When a proper implementation plan isn’t in place, project deadlines begin to slip, causing unnecessary expenses.


      To prevent such an issue, work with an employee screening company that values the planning phase of an implementation and offers the assistance of a project manager who ensures the timeliness of the plan and works to prevent budget overruns.


    1. Business Execution Impacts: New processes and technologies can cause delays that can affect deadlines, workloads and the hiring of competitive talent.


      During the implementation planning stages, determine the positions that need filling and act accordingly. To control applicant satisfaction, let candidates know that your switch to a new background screening provider was accomplished in part to create a better applicant experience and assure them that the organization will work as quickly as possible to process their applications.


    1. Staff Training: When staff members don’t adopt new procedures quickly, they’re less productive and efficient, and the organization loses revenue.


      Use a background screening service that offers a variety of online, self-paced training modules, webinar education and instructor led options using techniques that promote the quick adoption of new procedures and background screening best practices. The service should also have the project manager available post-launch to address skill gaps and offer additional training. Ongoing training and refresher courses must accessible to ensure both new and current employees get the most from your new background screening solution.


    1. Incomplete or Undocumented Processes: When there is no record or an incomplete record of procedures, processes and organization policies, a health care organization will experience an inconsistent following of the implemented hiring standards.


      Work with the screening provider and your legal counsel to derive a set of hiring-related policies and procedures that include documentation practices. This is one of the major steps to a successful implementation.


  11. Increased Risks:A poorly implemented background screening program can open the doors to bad hiring decisions, which increase your administrative costs and places the organization at risk for compliance penalties and litigation.


    Work with a background screening company that offers support from the planning to post-launch stages to ensure the successful implementation of a new employee screening program.

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