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最佳实践背景调查实施的 4 个阶段







  • 确定和定义目标:目标应考虑监管环境和组织的业务实践,以确定是否有任何独特的指导方针或要求需要解决。

  • 设定期望:实施团队和背景筛查提供者将明确分配的角色和职责。

  • 回顾:从管理员和用户的角度查看正在运行的背景筛选系统。

  • 审查并设置实施要求:在此期间,确定障碍。

  • 概述项目时间表:在实施计划中,包括里程碑、时间表、流程所有者、目标和预期结果。



实施阶段是您从旧的员工背景筛选系统更改为新程序的阶段。根据计划的范围和组织的规模,这可能需要 5 到 20 天。在此阶段,您的组织应记录现有业务流程中的任何更改。在阶段结束时,进行系统测试以验证设置的配置。


  • 内部沟通:沟通对于成功启动新的筛查计划至关重要。确保所有相关工作人员都收到适当的信息。

  • 申请人沟通:为了在实施过程中提高申请人的满意度,让您的申请人知道该组织正在与新的背景筛查提供商合作,并且审核过程将尽快进行。

  • 前供应商淘汰:使用清单逐步淘汰前供应商提供的服务或内部背景筛选程序,以免出现绩效差距。

  • 与 IT 部门合作:确保 IT 部门拥有组织将用于背景调查的所有新表格,并确保应用程序编程接口设置了新的权限以降低数据安全风险








new employee screening program into your organization, its success begins with the proper implementation.

By moving through each stage—planning, implementation, training and post-launch support—and achieving respective milestones, the background screening program will have strong roots.


Implementation Phases

Phase I: Project Planning and Consultation

The planning phase in the implementation of a new background screening program is the most important because it sets the stage for the steps that follow. Planning and consultations can take up to two weeks.

During this time, the organization and employee screening provider will:

  • Identify and define goals: The goals should take into consideration the regulatory environment and the organization’s business practices to determine if there are any unique guidelines or requirements to address.

  • Set expectations: The implementation team and the background screening provider will establish a clear picture about the assigned roles and responsibilities.

  • Review: See the background screening system in action from the administrator’s and user’s points of view.

  • Review and set implementation requirements: During this time, identify roadblocks.

  • Outline a project schedule: In the implementation plan, include milestones, a timeline, process owners, goals and desired results.


Phase II:  Implementation 

The implementation phase is when you change from the old employee background screening system to the new program. Depending on the scope of the program and the size of the organization, this can take between 5 and 20 days. During this phase, your organization should document any changes in the existing business processes.  At the end of the phase, conduct system tests to verify the configuration of the settings.

While completing Phase II, your organization and the screening provider will focus on the following areas of change management so the transition is smooth:

  • Internal communications: Communication is vital to the success of putting a new screening program in motion. Make sure that all relevant staff members receive the appropriate information.

  • Applicant communication: To promote applicant satisfaction during the implementation, let your applicants know that the organization is working with a new background screening provider and that the vetting process will occur as quickly as possible.

  • Former provider phase-out: Use a checklist to phase out the services provided by the former provider or in-house background screening procedures so there are no performance gaps.

  • Engage the IT department: Ensure the IT department has all the new forms that the organization is going to use for background checks and that the application programming interfaces are set up with new permissions in place to mitigate data security risks.


Phase III: Training and Change Management

The third phase is all about training, documenting and going live with the new program.

A good employee background screening provider offers organization-specific staff training about the new systems and processes put into place, as health care industry segments each have their own compliance guidelines. This custom training accelerates learning and increases comfort with the new system; thus promoting organizational acceptance. After the training is complete, the organization can go live with the new background screening procedures.

Phase IV: Post-Launch Support

When the new employee background screening program is in place, the organization and its project team should continue to work with the background screening provider for two to four weeks to make sure that the systems and processes run smoothly.

During this time, the project manager provided by the background screening service will check for areas of concern to address with the organization to determine if there’s a need for revisions or additional training. After the launch of the employee screening procedures, use team meetings and surveys to reveal outstanding issues that have come to light or to address any questions.
