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运输组织对一项常见就业背景筛查实践的调查做出回应,揭示了他们在未来 12 个月内面临的最大筛查挑战和业务挑战。本次调查的主要结果汇编在观火背调 Transportation Spotlight 中






联邦汽车运输安全管理局 (FMCSA) 要求雇主审查所有受监管工人的三年就业历史。


观火背调 专有的DAC 就业历史文件包含来自 2,500 多家汽车运营商的超过 570 万条历史就业记录。该数据库包含交通部 (DOT) 和 FMCSA 合规信息,包括雇佣日期、职位、重新雇佣状态和终止细节。

DAC 就业历史档案还提供以前的药物和酒精测试以及事故历史。如果申请人以前的雇主尚未加入就业历史档案,观火背调 将跟进这些雇主的手动信息请求。

不合的风险涉及严厉的经济处罚。FMCSA 记录保存罚款从每天 500 美元起,故意伪造记录的罚款可达 10,000 美元。如果汽车承运人或其司机发生事故并且没有审计线索来显示合规筛选,则可能导致疏忽招聘索赔。

最近的一起卡车运输事故案件中,一名商业司机对原告造成严重伤害。司机没有在他的工作申请中披露以前的事件,雇主在雇用卡车司机时没有遵守 FMCSA 规定。在该案中判给原告的总金额为 581,000 美元。



根据运输聚焦,87% 的运输雇主仍在手动处理筛选和招聘文书工作,因此雇佣时间仍然是最大的挑战也就不足为奇了。按需背景筛选解决方案提供商(例如观火背调)是完全自动化的,并在一个地方简化了数十项搜索。

它可以将 DAC 就业历史文件和商业驾驶执照信息系统 Plus等交通特定解决方案与一般背景筛选解决方案相结合,以超越行业合规性和风险缓解标准,所有这些都在竞争激烈的时间范围内完成。

Transportation organizations responded to a survey of common employment background screening practices, revealing the biggest screening challenges and business challenges they face over the next 12 months. The main findings of the survey were compiled in Transportation Spotlight.

Employer responses indicate what transport employers are doing well and highlight some gaps that could greatly improve the background screening process.

What are the biggest business challenges?

Cost-cutting and finding and retaining quality talent are two of the business challenges reported by transportation employers. Weathering the recession, maintaining compliance and providing a safe and secure work environment were the top five business challenges reported by survey respondents.

These operational issues show that when conducting background checks, transportation employers are looking for affordable solutions to provide quality staff, ensure compliance and promote workplace safety and security.

What are the biggest screening challenges?

When it comes to specific screening challenges, transport organizations reported that the top three challenges they faced were conducting previous employment verification, compliance, and shortening the duration of employment.

Below we review the first three screening challenges and offer advice and best practices for transportation employers to better address each challenge in the coming year.

Challenge #1: Previous proof of employment

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires employers to review the three-year employment history of all regulated workers.

Based on experience with fire backtracking, transportation employers who perform manual employment verification will experience slow response times and may experience incomplete or inaccurate information. In addition to regulatory fines, failure to complete thorough prior employment verification can lead to poor recruitment, which increases the risk of violence, theft, drug and alcohol abuse, fraud and negligence.

Recommended Employment verification best Practices:

Fireback's proprietary DAC employment history file contains over 5.7 million historical employment records from over 2,500 automotive operators. The database contains Department of Transportation (DOT) and FMCSA compliance information, including dates of employment, positions, reemployment status, and termination details.

The DAC employment History file also provides previous drug and alcohol tests and accident history. If the applicant's previous employers have not been added to the employment history file, fireback will follow up with manual information requests from those employers.

Challenge #2: Compliance

The risk of non-compliance involves severe financial penalties. FMCSA record-keeping fines start at $500 per day and can reach $10,000 for willful falsification of records. Negligence hiring claims can result if the motor carrier or its driver is involved in an accident and there is no audit trail to show compliance screening.

In a recent trucking accident case, a commercial driver caused serious injury to the plaintiff. The driver did not disclose previous incidents on his job application and the employer did not comply with FMCSA regulations when hiring truck drivers. The total amount awarded to the plaintiffs in the case was $581,000.

Recommended best practices to help ensure compliance:

Changing state, federal, and industry regulations require transportation organizations to keep abreast of changes and update their background screening procedures accordingly. Choose fully compliant and automated background screening solution providers to bridge any gaps in screening that could result in hefty fines or litigation. When a company works with an on-demand employment screening provider, it typically benefits from an in-house compliance team and product expertise with years of screening experience.

Challenge #3: Recruitment time

Transportation organizations with efficient screening processes will be able to vet candidates and provide quotes more quickly than their competitors. As a result, employers who hire the fastest often attract the best candidates in the market. But no organization is willing to sacrifice compliance and risk mitigation to increase their hiring rate.

Recommended best practices for improving employment time:

According to Transport Focus, 87% of transport employers still handle screening and recruitment paperwork manually, so it's no surprise that hiring time remains the biggest challenge. On-demand background filtering solution providers (such as fireback tuning) are fully automated and simplify dozens of searches in one place.

It can combine transport-specific solutions such as DAC employment history documentation and Commercial Driver license Information System Plus with general background screening solutions to exceed industry compliance and risk mitigation standards, all within a competitive time frame.

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