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背景调查计划中需要审核的 5 个关键领域

根据2020 观火背调 Employment Screening Benchmarking Report,90% 的受访组织表示,他们预计在未来 12 个月内不会裁员。此外,超过一半的组织预计明年他们的劳动力可能会增加(2010 年,只有 43% 的公司预计会扩大劳动力)。




建议雇主定期对其现有的就业背景筛选计划进行彻底的自我审查,并在任何劳动力扩张的预期下进行。事实上,在我们的基准报告中接受调查的雇主中有 42% 表示他们打算在明年审查他们的就业筛选标准(这是 2010 年结果的两倍多)。


背景筛查自我审核中需要监控的 5 个领域

1. 合规性

为避免因不合规计划造成代价高昂的处罚,法律和人力资源部门应至少每年聚集一次,评估现有和待定的州和联邦立法以及行业法规,以确认他们的计划在每一步都符合合规性. 还建议成立一个团队来监控合规问题并主动应对政府或行业法规的变化。

2. 一致性
自我审查还有助于确定您当前的就业背景筛查计划中潜在的代价高昂的差距。积极主动的组织不仅可以找到改进筛选过程的方法,还可以纠正任何文书工作错误,例如I-9 错误,这在联邦审计中可能代价高昂。


3. 及时性
当我们就 2011 年的主要招聘筛选挑战对公司进行调查时,报告的最大障碍是缩短整体招聘时间。当由人力资源人员手动完成时,根据州和联邦数据库检查每个候选人的信息似乎令人生畏。


4. 风险管理


5. 集成



According to the 2020 Employment Screening Benchmarking Report, 90% of the organizations surveyed said they do not expect to lay off employees over the next 12 months. In addition, more than half of organizations expect their work forces to likely increase in the next year (in 2010, only 43% of companies expect to expand their work forces).

While the expected increase in hiring is good news, many employers may not have background screening programs in place to meet this demand.

What does increased hiring mean for background checks?

As hiring heats up again, employers need to know they are hiring the right people, and employers should minimize the compliance, legal and reputational risks that can occur when potentially harmful people slip through the cracks.

With the recent hiring lull, many organizations may have been lax about their background screening programs. However, with hiring expected to increase, now is the time for employers to consider reviewing their current plans.

Employers are advised to conduct a thorough self-review of their existing employment background screening programmes on a regular basis and in anticipation of any workforce expansion. In fact, 42% of the employers surveyed in our benchmark report said they intend to review their employment screening criteria in the next year (more than double the result in 2010).

By implementing a comprehensive background screening program, organizations can reduce the potential risk of costly fines by complying with state, federal, and industry regulations. A thorough background screening program also gives the organization more confidence that it will not hire individuals with certain criminal backgrounds, and employers can reduce possible legal claims and reputational damage.

Background screening 5 areas to monitor in self-audit

Here are five main areas employers should evaluate when conducting internal reviews of their employment background screening programs:

1. The compliance

Each employer has a different regulatory footprint, depending on which state it does business in and whether it is part of a highly regulated sector such as health care, transportation or financial services.

To avoid costly penalties for noncompliance programs, legal and human resources departments should gather at least once a year to evaluate existing and pending state and federal legislation and industry regulations to confirm compliance with their programs at every step of the way. It is also recommended to set up a team to monitor compliance issues and proactively respond to changes in government or industry regulations.

2. The consistency

Self-review can also help identify potentially costly gaps in your current employment background screening program. Proactive organizations can not only find ways to improve the screening process, but also correct any paperwork errors, such as i-9 errors, that can be costly in federal audits.

Employers requiring mandatory drug screening should also check that their employee selection, notification and testing policies are consistent, random and non-discriminatory.

3. Timely

When we surveyed companies on the key hiring screening challenges for 2011, the biggest obstacle reported was shortening the overall hiring time. When done manually by human resources, checking each candidate's information against state and federal databases can seem daunting.

But with the right background screening solution, employers can quickly run multiple background checks on job applicants. Upgrading to an electronic background screening solution enables many employers to centralize and automate multiple layers of screening in a quick and easy process.

4. Risk management

When selecting and evaluating background screening programs, companies should balance the costs and benefits of their screening practices. Organizations must determine the appropriate amount of background screening to meet their hiring standards and workplace safety standards, and to help them comply with applicable regulations and hire the best talent.

If an organization's costs and time are increased by adding layers of additional screening, but the organization is not aware of any real benefits of risk mitigation, it may wish to simplify its plans in the future.

Integration of 5.

How well are the components of the background filter integrated with other software and systems? If human resources is entering data into multiple locations, it may be time to upgrade to a better integrated electronic filtering solution.

Lack of integration leads to longer screening processes and may increase the opportunity for human error. If an organization is audited and there is no uniform screening audit trail, this can also negatively impact audit results.

Constant changes in legislation, regulations and technology require a proactive and agile approach to background screening. Lax background checks can result in hefty fines from regulators or damaging lawsuits or brand damage. By evaluating your employment screening program against these five key areas, you will be better able to meet screening needs as recruitment improves.
