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随着经济学家开始预测经济出现好转迹象,经济出现就业增长的第一个领域是临时劳动力。事实上,劳工统计局上个月发布的一份报告指出,临时工部门的增长显着且稳定。它表示,虽然 12 月失去了 85,000 个就业岗位,但临时就业岗位增加了 47,000 个。事实上,临时劳动力的增长自 7 月以来一直保持稳定,所有迹象都表明这种增长速度将持续下去。


观火背调最近的背景筛选基准报告发现,只有 31% 的受访者筛选了他们的扩展(或临时)劳动力,这表明超过三分之二的雇主可能在他们的安全政策中存在重大漏洞。由于临时员工通常不通过与固定员工相同的入职流程进行招聘,因此适用于固定员工的严格就业筛选要求通常不适用于此类员工。背景筛选通常只是事后的想法。




Facing a potentially slow recovery, companies are reluctant to hire permanent employees and are instead turning to contingent staffing (contract, temporary, part-time) to cautiously begin workforce expansion. This portion of the employee base can represent a critical security gap, however, as they are often not background screened as rigorously as permanent hires.

HireRight’s recent Background Screening Benchmarking Report found that only 31 percent of respondents screened their extended (or contingent) workforce, indicating that over two-thirds of employers may have a major hole in their security policies. As contingent staff is typically not hired through the same on-boarding process as permanent hires, the stringent employment screening requirements applied to the permanent workforce are often not applied to this category of worker. Background screening can often be just an after-thought.

Failing to screen the extended workforce is always a security risk, but in today’s economy, contingent employees make up a more significant percentage of a company’s staff and they fill more critical positions, thus increasing the risk both to the company’s workplace safety and to its performance as business-critical functions may not be staffed by the most qualified person. In addition, the phenomenon of adverse selection comes into play as individuals who know they might not pass a thorough background check apply to companies they think are less likely to run background checks – staffing firms and small to mid-sized companies that may not have formalized screening policies in place.

These issues point to the need to incorporate background screening of the contingent workforce into the organization’s comprehensive workforce screening program. A best practice to follow is to mirror screening procedures and policies of the permanent employee base. In addition, some programs would benefit from incorporating technologies and solutions that are specifically designed for the unique requirements of the extended workforce. These solutions can include collaboration capabilities that allow both the organization and its staffing vendor to view the background screening reports in real-time, as well as incorporate enforcement capabilities such as not allowing a security badge to be issued until an individual has passed the background check.

While nearly all large companies are conducting background screening, two-thirds of companies are not effectively screening their contingent workforce, indicating a significant security risk in the majority of organizations. This is an often overlooked aspect of the screening policy that must be reviewed and addressed. Consider working with a background screening provider to help you eliminate these vulnerabilities.
