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  • 对居住在国外的所有国内雇员进行国际背景调查。由于不熟悉和收集信息的复杂性,许多雇主完全跳过国际检查。为了使国际背景调查成为一个无缝的过程,重要的是与具有专业知识和影响力的就业筛选提供者合作,以在任何可能需要的国家进行调查。

  • 如果您的公司处于受监管行业,请确保您的计划符合所有现行法律和法规。

  • 完成深入的刑事检查。为了扩大犯罪搜索范围,应考虑进行国家犯罪数据库检查——这将为您提供对美国大部分主要地区汇编犯罪记录的快速检查。为了遵守法规,应在县法院级别验证通过数据库检查发现的提示和线索。

  • 定期进行审计,确保负责检查所有地理位置的背景调查的某些人员按照政策进行。审计还将识别任何可能在没有完成背景调查的情况下漏掉的员工。

  • 对您公司可能与之合作的所有供应商、承包商或临时雇员进行扩展的劳动力背景调查。据估计,在筛选供应商时,他们的犯罪命中率比长期雇用的员工高 60-100%。

  • 为了进一步简化工作,请考虑在您的申请人跟踪系统 (ATS) 提供商和您的背景筛选提供商之间使用可用的预集成解决方案。一个集成的解决方案将允许您创建一个无缝的招聘-筛选-招聘流程,同时消除重复的数据输入和脱节的流程。


employment screening program. Things are working well, you think, and then one day you find out that your office in Rochester has been skipping the criminal check for well over a year. You uncovered this fact after getting a call to investigate an individual with, to your surprise, a hat trick of violent incidents on their rap-sheet.

Or in a modified scenario, the Rochester office was doing criminal checks, but this individual committed the crimes in a region outside his home area, so the record did not appear on the background report. To summarize both scenarios, either your employment screening program wasn’t being practiced or it was being practiced, but fell short on reach. Needless to say, your background screening program may be due for a reassessment.

Once your background screening program is established, whether it has been a month or four years, it is important to review it to ascertain vulnerabilities. Are there areas of complexity or slowdown that might prompt personnel to skip steps in order to save time? Are there gaps in the geography or depth of the searches currently employed? If in a regulated industry, does the current program ensure compliance with laws and mandates?

When reassessing your program for vulnerabilities or unrealized efficiencies, be sure to consider the following best practices:

  • Conduct international background checks on all domestic hires that have lived outside the country. Many employers skip international checks altogether due to unfamiliarity and the added complexity in gathering information. To make international background checks a seamless process, it is important to partner with an employment screening provider who has the expertise and reach to conduct checks in any country that may be required.

  • If your company is in a regulated industry, ensure that your program is compliant with all laws and regulations that are in place.

  • Complete in-depth criminal checks. To broaden the criminal search, a national criminal database check should be considered – this will provide you with a fast check of compiled criminal records from most major regions of the United States. In order to comply with regulations, tips and leads uncovered through a database check should be verified at the county court level.

  • Conduct regular audits to be certain people responsible for checking background checks at all geographic locations are doing so according to policy. Audits will also identify any hires that may have slipped through the cracks without a background check completed.

  • Perform extended workforce background checks on all vendors, contractors or temporary hires that your company may work with. It is estimated that when vendors are screened they have a criminal hit rate of 60-100% above that of permanent hires.

  • To further streamline efforts, consider utilizing available pre-integrated solutions between your Applicant Tracking System (ATS) provider and your background-screening provider. An integrated solution will allow you to create a seamless recruiting-screening-hiring process while eliminating duplicate data entry and disjointed processes.

It is the responsibility of every organization to provide a safe and secure environment for its employees, volunteers and members. One critical step in this process is an effective background screening program.
