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可以通过筛选减少的最重要的软成本之一是雇用和更换受薪员工的成本。根据 观火背调 在 2020 年进行的研究,无论他们的薪水如何,糟糕的雇佣成本都是申请人年薪的一到五倍,包括招聘、培训、遣散费和生产力损失。


根据美国管理协会美国商会的数据,30% 的企业倒闭是由员工盗窃造成的,近 15% 的申请人承认从雇主那里盗窃商品。1通过筛查降低员工盗窃风险是另一个需要考虑的重要成本/收益。

一项Right Management 调查显示,招聘不当会产生重大后果,包括使员工士气降低 68% 或员工生产力降低 66%。考虑到这一点,简单的背景调查可以降低组织失去客户、市场份额和声誉的风险。


根据 观火背调 在 2008 年进行的背景调查的研究表明,7% 的申请人在过去 7-10 年内有犯罪记录,大约 32% 的就业和 39% 的教育证明显示候选人提供的信息存在差异.

除了帮助确保合格和诚实的招聘外,背景筛查是维护工作场所安全和保障的关键步骤。安全事故的成本可能是无法估量的,并使雇主要为疏忽雇用和留用而承担责任。雇主已经失去了超过 79% 的疏忽招聘案件,平均和解金额超过 160 万美元。2


One of the most significant soft costs that can be reduced thru screening is the cost of hiring and replacing a salaried employee. No matter their salary, the cost of a bad hire ranges from one to five times the applicant’s annual salary, including recruitment, training, severance costs, and lost productivity, based on research conducted by HireRight in 2005.

And on average, at least half of all new hires by U.S. businesses “don’t work out.” A background check costs a small fraction of replacing your lowest salaried employee.

According to the American Management Association and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 30 percent of all business failures are caused by employee theft, and nearly 15 percent of all applicants admit to theft of merchandise from an employer.1 Reducing the risk of employee theft with screening is another important cost/benefit to consider.

A Right Management Survey shows that there are significant consequences to a bad hire, including lowering employee morale by 68 percent or decreasing employee productivity by 66 percent. With this in mind, a simple background check can decrease an organization’s risks for lost customers, market share and reputation.

Despite the many well-publicized revelations of high-level executives who lied on their resumes and damaged their organizations as a result, many companies mistakenly think that this can’t happen to them. But without conducting effective and comprehensive background screens on each candidate, organizations are not making fully-informed hiring decisions.

Research based on background checks conducted by HireRight in 2008 shows that seven percent of applicants had a criminal history within the last 7-10 years, and roughly 32 percent of employment and 39 percent of education verifications reveal a discrepancy in the information provided by the candidate.

In addition to helping to ensure a well qualified and honest hire, background screening is a critical step to maintaining workplace safety and security. The cost of a safety incident can be immeasurable and leaves the employer open to liabilities for negligent hiring and retention. Employers have lost more than 79 percent of the negligent hiring cases with an average settlement reaching more than $1.6 million.2

When evaluating the cost/benefit of a background screening program, consider the substantial savings employment screening provides by significantly reducing risks and costs ranging from the lowered productivity and performance of an unqualified hire to the costs of employee theft. These factors alone demonstrate the value of screening.