返回列表 发表时间:2021-09-26    浏览次数:5074


 您是否正在考虑为您的孩子聘请一位家教?由于冠状病毒,对导师、Zutors  (Zoom 导师)和“聘用导师”的兴趣正在上升 。随着越来越多的家长考虑在家上学或在线学习而不是传统的面对面学校——以及全国各地的 K-12 学校努力执行安全的重新开放协议——导师和其他第三方教育助手的需求将显着增加。

如果您正在考虑为您的孩子聘请家教或聘请讲师,请制定 您将如何处理家教背景调查的策略。


即使您是通过代理机构雇用某人,您也需要询问他们对其人员进行了哪些讲师或导师背景调查。您正在聘请某人与您的学生密切合作——无论是在线和通过 Zoom 还是在您家中——并且您可能无法监督所有这些约会。确保您指定的人经过彻底审查并且合格,这是保护您孩子的必要条件。


您的导师背景调查将包括 犯罪记录搜索、 性犯罪者背景调查、 教育 和 工作经历验证、 社会保障验证 (以验证身份)和 参考调查。拥有热情的推荐信、令人印象深刻的简历(您可以验证)以及无犯罪记录的人可能是您可以信任的与您的孩子或青少年密切合作的人。


Zutors (Zoom tutors), and “instructors-for-hire.” As more parents consider homeschooling or eLearning over traditional face-to-face school—and K-12 schools across the country struggle to execute safe reopening protocols—tutors and other third-party educational aides will see a significant uptick in demand.

If you are considering a tutor or instructor-for-hire for your children, create a strategy for how you will approach tutor background checks.

Whether you are appointing a tutor to help your child through a specific subject or to handle all their homeschooling, you need to make sure that you are putting your trust in the right person. Teachers go through considerable licensing and background check hurdles before they are allowed in a classroom to teach your kids. In hiring a tutor or instructor to work with your kids, the due diligence of vetting that person’s background may fall on you.

Even if you are hiring someone through an agency, you’ll want to ask which instructor or tutor background checks they run on their personnel. You are hiring someone to work closely with your student—whether online and over Zoom or in your home—and you likely won’t be able to supervise all those appointments. Making sure that the person you appoint has been vetted thoroughly and is well-qualified is a must to protect your child.

What should your tutor background checks encompass? In some cases, a tutor will be an older student who knows a subject well and can help your child succeed. In other cases, you might be hiring someone to serve as a part-time teacher for your kids. While you might be looking for grades and strong recommendations from teachers for vetting the former person, you will want a certified teacher with strong references and a clean background for the latter.

Your tutor background checks will include criminal history searches, sex offender background checks, verifications of education and work history, Social Security Verifications (to verify identity), and reference checks. Someone with glowing references, an impressive resume that you can verify, and a clean criminal record is probably someone you can trust to work closely with your kids or teens.

Many parents are unsure of how to approach the education of their children. With summer winding down and most schools preparing to resume in-person instruction, it’s worth thinking about how comfortable you feel sending your kids back to crowded school buildings where coronavirus exposure might occur. If you decide on homeschooling or virtual learning instead, then hiring a tutor or instructor-for-hire might be the next step—just don’t forget the background check.。
