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大多数雇主不提供有关其员工背景调查 内容的详细信息 。试图在雇主网站、职位发布或就业申请上找到这些信息通常是徒劳的。大多数雇主不会提供细节,而是说,“我们要求每位新员工通过广泛的背景调查。” 这种含糊的陈述引出了一个重要的问题:什么构成了“广泛的背景调查”?

符合“广泛”的条件因雇主而异。也许美国最广泛的员工背景调查 是由联邦政府进行的,甚至这些调查也因工作而异。


没有任何私人雇主对其员工背景调查进行完全相同的长度,这意味着“广泛的背景调查”一词通常具有不同的含义。通常,有兴趣深入进行候选人背景调查的私营公司会在该过程中进行多次筛选。基金会可能是犯罪历史检查,但其他常见的就业前检查包括 教育、 就业历史和 专业执照或认证的验证; 检查别名或过去的名字; 驾驶记录检查、 信用记录检查和 民事记录检查。


“广泛的”犯罪背景调查可能是包含多层犯罪历史搜索(县、 大都市区、 州、 联邦和 多辖区)的调查,或者是利用 地址历史 来查明候选人曾居住过的县的调查,并可能犯罪,过去。


访问 GOOHO.CN产品页面 ,以更好地了解哪些背景调查可用 - 一个彻底的雇主可能会利用所有工具来了解有关其候选人的更多信息。

employee background checks entail. Trying to find this information on employer websites, job postings, or employment applications is often an exercise in futility. Rather than providing specifics, most employers will say, “We require every new hire to pass an extensive background check.” This type of vague statement begs an important question: what constitutes an “extensive background check”?

What qualifies as “extensive” varies from one employer to the next. Perhaps the most extensive employee background checks in the United States are those run by the federal government, and even those checks vary from job to job.

Federal jobs often come with security clearances in different tiers. Someone applying for a job with the highest level of security clearance (“Top Secret”) will need to go through an extensive background check. These high-level federal checks incorporate criminal history, financial information, address history, and much more. They even involve interviews with the candidate’s acquaintances, from co-workers to neighbors.

No private employer goes to quite the same lengths with its employee background checks, which means that the phrase “extensive background check” typically has a different connotation. Usually, a private company interested in going in-depth with a candidate background check will run multiple screenings as part of that process. The foundation is likely a criminal history check, but other common pre-employment checks include verifications for education, employment history, and professional licenses or certifications; checks of aliases or past names; driving record checks, credit history checks, and civil history checks.

Sometimes, the word “extensive” denotes a more robust criminal background check. Criminal records are spread across many different databases, from county courthouses to state repositories and beyond. An employer that only runs a county criminal history check in the area risks overlooking crimes that a candidate may have committed outside of the county or state.

An “extensive” criminal background check may be one that incorporates multiple tiers of criminal history search (county, metropolitan area, state, federal, and multi-jurisdictional) or one that utilizes address history to pinpoint counties where a candidate has lived, and potentially committed crimes, in the past.

It is difficult to know for sure what information an employer will be looking for when they claim to conduct “extensive” employee background checks. Even two multi-jurisdictional criminal history searches can turn up different results since all databases don’t include identical information. Overall, candidates can expect “extensive” to mean thorough background checks. By utilizing more thorough checks, employers reduce their risk of overlooking a piece of information that may prove crucial to their hiring decision.

Visit the backgroundchecks.com products page to get a better sense of which background checks are available—all tools that a thorough employer might utilize to learn more about their candidates.
