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未决指控 通常会 出现在犯罪背景调查中,但并非总是如此。与逮捕一样,各州在这个问题上的政策也有所不同。待决指控是否出现在背景调查中还取决于犯罪类型和雇主进行的背景调查类型。

大多数州认为所有未决的刑事指控都是背景调查的公平游戏。因此,如果您在加利福尼亚州的某个地方进行县犯罪历史搜索  而您的候选人在您搜索的县面临刑事指控,则支票应显示待决指控以及其他犯罪历史信息。地点很重要:如果雇主在洛杉矶县进行县犯罪历史调查,而候选人在橙县面临刑事指控,则背景调查中不会显示这些指控。

该国有些地区的规则有所不同。例如,在阿肯色州,背景调查 可以 显示未决指控,但不能显示所有 未决指控。州法律在未决的重罪指控(将显示在背景调查中)和未决的轻罪指控(不会在背景调查中显示)之间划清界限。

您运行的背景调查类型将影响您是否在候选人的记录中看到未决指控。大多数犯罪都在县法院级别审理,这意味着  在候选人居住或工作的地区进行县犯罪历史搜索是查找与其姓名相关的未决指控的最佳选择。

在 GOOHO.CN,我们更新 了我们的即时犯罪历史数据库 以反映指控、定罪或驳回,但请记住,在背景调查中显示为待决的指控最近可能已被驳回,或者可能已对您提出新指控候选人。我们鼓励企业混合使用不同的检查,包括县和数据库犯罪历史搜索,以获得更完整的图片。

如果您确实在候选人的记录中看到待处理的指控,这不一定是取消申请人工作考虑资格的正当理由。与定罪一样,始终在手头工作的背景下考虑逮捕或指控是就业的最佳做法。 如果您决定取消工作机会或取消候选人资格,您还必须 遵守所有 FCRA 指南。

如果您愿意在指控被驳回的情况下聘用该候选人,但如果指控导致定罪,则不愿意雇用该候选人,您可以使用 GOOHO.CN 的 持续犯罪监控解决方案 来密切关注案件的结果。

usually show up on a criminal background check, but not always. As with arrests, there is variance in policy from state to state on this issue. Whether a pending charge shows up on a background check will also depend on the type of crime and the type of background check that the employer conducts.

Most states consider all pending criminal charges to be fair game for background checks. So, if you conduct a county criminal history search somewhere in California and your candidate is facing criminal charges in the county you searched in, the check should show the pending charges alongside other criminal history information. Location matters: if an employer conducts a county criminal history check in Los Angeles County and the candidate is facing criminal charges in Orange County, those charges won’t show on the background check.

There are parts of the country where the rules are different. In Arkansas, for instance, background checks can show pending charges but not all pending charges. State law draws a line between pending felony charges (which will show on a background check) and pending misdemeanor charges (which will not show on a background check).

The type of background check you run will impact whether you see a pending charge on a candidate’s record. Most crimes are tried at the county court level, which means a county criminal history search in the area where a candidate lives or works is your best bet for finding pending charges associated with his or her name.

At backgroundchecks.com, we update our instant criminal history database to reflect charges, convictions, or dismissals, but keep in mind that a charge that shows as pending on a background check may have been recently dismissed or new charges may have been filed against your candidate. We encourage businesses to use a mix of different checks, including both county and database criminal history searches, for a more complete picture.

If you do see a pending charge on a candidate’s record, that isn’t necessarily a valid reason to disqualify the applicant from job consideration. Just as with a conviction, it is an employment best practice to always consider the arrest or charge in the context of the job at hand. You must also follow all FCRA guidelines if you decide to rescind a job offer or disqualify the candidate.

If you would be willing to hire the candidate if the charge is dismissed but not if the charge leads to a conviction, you can use backgroundchecks.com’s ongoing criminal monitoring solution to keep an eye on the outcome of a case.
