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犯罪历史检查可以追溯到多远?如果您的记录上有刑事定罪,您可能想知道定罪对您就业机会的影响有多大。定罪的新近程度很重要:大多数雇主会根据犯罪记录与手头工作的相关性、犯罪记录发生的时间以及是否有任何重复来考虑犯罪记录 罪行 自从。较早的定罪不仅不太可能影响招聘经理的决定,而且根本不太可能出现在背景调查中。

答案是“犯罪历史检查可以追溯到多远?” 会因位置而异。各州有不同的法律来规范公司允许在其犯罪历史报告中包含的信息背景调查 在许多州,背景调查提供者不能分享任何犯罪历史信息(指控或定罪、 轻罪 或重罪) 超过七年在某些州,该限制延长至 10 年。在大多数州,有一项法律限制此类信息的报告。换句话说,在某些时候,刑事定罪 应该 停止对您的就业机会产生影响。

重要的是要注意,背景调查中没有出现的定罪与不再出现的定罪之间是有区别的。 现存的 仅仅因为您的信念超过十年并不意味着雇主将无法再次找到它。从技术上讲,定罪仍然是您记录的一部分,这意味着它仍然可以被找到——无论是通过互联网还是其他方法。由于定罪仍然存在,如果被问及您是否曾因工作申请而被定罪,您仍然必须回答“是”  

要查看您的信念是否仍然出现在背景调查中,请 尝试通过 GOOHO.CN进行自我检查如果它证明您的定罪时间已经超过了您所在州的七年或十年报告限制,则可能值得考虑删除。虽然有些罪行无法消除——包括重罪——但大多数轻罪 罪行 只要 1) 自犯罪以来已经过去了一定的时间,并且 2) 您没有任何重复,就有资格 罪行 如果您决定选择删除,GOOHO.CN 有一项名为 MyClearStart的服务,可以提供帮助。

offenses since. An older conviction is not only less likely to influence a hiring manager’s decision but also less likely to appear on a background check at all.

The answer to, “How far back do criminal history checks go?” will vary based on location. States have different laws that regulate the information background check companies are allowed to include on their criminal history reports. In many states, background check providers cannot share any criminal history information (charge or conviction, misdemeanor or felony) that is older than seven years. In some states, the limit is extended to 10 years. In most states, there is a law limiting the reporting of this information. At some point, in other words, a criminal conviction should stop having an impact on your employment chances.

It is important to note that there is a difference between a conviction not showing up on a background check and it no longer existing . Just because your conviction is more than ten years does not mean employers will not be able to find it ever again. The conviction is still technically part of your record, which means it can still be found—whether by using the internet or other methods. Since the conviction still exists, you are also still compelled to answer “Yes” if asked whether you have ever been convicted of a crime on a job application.

To see whether your conviction still shows up on a background check, try running a self-check through backgroundchecks.com. If it proves your conviction is old enough to have passed beyond your state’s seven- or ten-year reporting restriction, it might be worth considering expungement. While some crimes cannot be expunged—including felonies—most misdemeanor offenses are eligible as long as 1) a certain amount of time has passed since the crime and 2) you don’t have any repeat offenses . If you decide to opt for expungement, backgroundchecks.com has a service—called MyClearStart—that can help.
