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毫无疑问:在设计员工背景调查政策并选择背景调查提供商来执行时,您的首要任务应该始终是可靠性。您需要一个背景检查过程,如果有任何发现,就会发现危险信号。有时,这意味着根据候选人的地址历史进行六次不同的 县犯罪历史搜索。其他时候,这将意味着为教育、 工作经历、 专业许可和 参考订购单独的验证检查 . 您应该致力于实现最彻底的背景调查,这通常涉及将各种背景调查产品捆绑到涵盖所有基础的政策中。



让求职者可以轻松地从任何设备在线申请工作。在整个招聘过程中与您的候选人沟通,以更新他们的申请状态。让应聘者在面试中感到受到欢迎和尊重。这些只是企业可以专注于改进的一些优先事项  候选人  体验并赢得  青睐  的潜在员工。

不过,也许最大的优先事项是最大限度地缩短招聘时间。同样,由于经济蓬勃发展,合格的求职者现在基本上可以选择工作选择。雇主需要假设他们的候选人在任何时候都在申请多个工作。换句话说,雇主们基本上是在争分夺秒地招聘最优秀的人才。一次持续数周甚至数月的申请和面试过程不是一种选择。公司需要通过管道将顶级候选人转移到雇用  快点,  或冒着将这些申请人流失给行动更快的雇主的风险。

这里要记住的重要一点是,没有人 喜欢 找工作。即使有人受雇于一份稳定的工作,只是在寻找更好的工作,但申请工作、抽时间面试和陷入困境的经历也不是一个好时机。通过提供更快的申请到工作机会的渠道,雇主可以满足最大的工作之一  求知者  愿望:远征。


挑战之一  到  提供 快速招聘流程 是背景调查。背景调查是必不可少的,但也很难预测他们需要多长时间。 这篇文章 阐明了不同类型的放映需要多长时间。好消息是,最常见的检查类型——犯罪记录搜索、驾驶记录检查、地址历史检查和验证——通常也属于较快的搜索。 我们的一些检查甚至是即时的。信用记录 和 县民事法院搜索等不太受欢迎的检查  速度较慢,国际犯罪记录检查也是如此。

但是,我们对背景调查时间的估计只是大致数字,根据具体情况,某些检查可能需要更长的时间 即使是决心迅速扭转局面的背景调查专业人士,也可能会受到反应迟钝的前雇主(用于工作历史验证)、行动缓慢的法庭文员(用于县犯罪历史检查)或联邦假期(任何类型的涉及去工作的检查)的摆布。通过法院提取记录)。


  • 更快地做出决策: 了解背景调查需要多长时间在很大程度上是你无法掌控的,并尽你所能在其他地方弥补这段时间。更快地决定面试谁、将谁纳入决赛名单以及雇用谁将改善申请人的体验并减少您的候选人被另一家公司抢购的机会。

  • 在提供有条件的就业机会后进行背景调查: 这种做法越来越成为标准——不仅仅是因为它在公平机会招聘倡导者中很受欢迎。在聘用后 进行背景调查 的雇主可以节省筛选多名候选人的费用,并使候选人放心,因为他们知道自己有工作。即使背景调查需要几天时间,他们也不太可能在此时接受另一家公司的工作或由于候选人体验不佳而拒绝提供。

  • 同时进行背景调查: 不同类型的背景调查的好处是你可以同时进行许多背景调查。首先进行地址历史搜索,然后一次从多个县进行刑事搜索。同时启动其他检查——无论是驾驶历史检查、验证还是信用搜索。这种做法可以加快筛选过程,并使您更容易记住您已经订购了哪些支票。

county criminal history searches, based on the candidate’s address history. Other times, it will mean ordering separate verification checks for education, work history, professional licensing, and references. You should be aiming to achieve the most thorough background check possible, which typically involves bundling a variety of background check products into a policy that covers all the bases.

However, it’s also important to understand the value of speed in this process. Right now, we are living in a job seeker’s market. Unemployment levels are low and job availability is high. Because of this situation, employers face tough competition from other businesses in the search for top talent. High-paying jobs with good benefits will still attract good people, but there are also other factors that can put employers in the good graces of candidates. One of these factors is the overall candidate experience.

The Candidate Experience: What Employers Need to Know

Making it easy for applicants to apply for a job online, from any device. Communicating with your candidates throughout the hiring process to update them on application status. Making candidates feel welcomed and respected during interviews. These are just a few of the priorities that businesses can focus on to improve  candidate  experience and win the  favor  of prospective employees.

Perhaps the biggest priority, though, is minimizing the hiring timeline. Again, qualified job seekers essentially have their pick of the litter right now when it comes to job options, thanks to the booming economy. Employers need to assume that their candidates are applying for multiple jobs at any one time. Said another way, employers are basically racing the clock—and each other—to hire the best people. Application and interview processes that last for weeks or even months at a time are not an option. Companies need to move top candidates through the pipeline toward a hire  faster,  or risk losing those applicants to employers who acted faster.

The important point to remember here is that nobody likes looking for a job. Even if someone is employed in a stable job and just looking for something better, the experience of applying for jobs, making time for interviews, and being in limbo is no one’s idea of a good time. By offering quicker application-to-job-offer pipelines, employers can satisfy one of the biggest job  seeker  desires: expedition.

Speeding up the Background Check: What Are the Options?

One of the challenges  to  providing an expedited hiring process is the background check. Background checks are essential, but it can also be hard to predict how long they will take. This post sheds some light on how long different types of screenings can take. The good news is that the most common types of checks—criminal history searches, driving record checks, address history checks, and verifications—are also typically among the quicker searches. Some of our checks are even instant. Less popular checks like credit history and county civil court searches are slower, as are international criminal history checks.

However, our estimates on background check lengths are just ballpark figures, and some checks can take significantly longer depending on the circumstances. Even background check professionals determined to turn things around quickly can be at the mercy of unresponsive former employers (for work history verifications), slow-moving court clerks (for county criminal history checks), or federal holidays (any type of check that involves going through a court to pull records).

There is nothing employers can do to avoid these delays or even to foresee them. Instead, employers can be strategic about background checks and other facets of their hiring process to save time. Best practices might include:

  • Quicker decision making: Understand that how long your background checks take is largely out of your hands and do what you can to make up that time elsewhere. Making quicker decisions on who to interview, who to include in your pool of finalists, and who to hire will improve the applicant experience and reduce the chances of your candidate being snapped up by another company.

  • Running background checks after making conditional employment offers: Increasingly, this practice is the standard—and not just because it’s popular among fair chance hiring advocates. Employers that run background checks after the employment offer save money on screening multiple candidates and give the candidate the peace of mind of knowing they have a job. Even if the background check takes a few days, it’s less likely at this juncture that they will take a job with another company or decline the offer due to a poor candidate experience.

  • Conducting background checks concurrently: The good thing about different types of background checks is that you can run many of them concurrently. Do an address history search first and then order criminal searches from multiple counties all at once. Set other checks in motion—be they driving history checks, verifications, or credit searches—at the same time. This practice speeds up the screening process and makes it easier to remember which checks you’ve already ordered.
