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承包商在私营和公共部门都发挥着更大的作用。政府几乎在每个部门都依赖大量承包商,从技术开发和部署到更平凡和基本的任务,为职业公务员提供补充。虽然通常被视为“临时”,特别是对于为机构工作数周或数月的承包商而言,但这些人经常可以访问关键系统和敏感数据。因此,承包商应受到同等程度的考虑作为一名正式员工,包括 彻底的背景调查。 

最近在政府层面上与承包商相关的问题的报告为这一想法提供了可信度。环境保护局目前 不知道 它雇用了多少承包商,也不知道其中有谁处理需要谨慎保护的敏感数据。在对环保署进行调查后,监察长办公室报告说,许多承包商没有完整的背景调查存档,有些没有通过他们的检查。 

IG 还发现了向政府支付双倍或多付工作费用的承包商。此后,三名国会议员要求环保署提供有关其审查程序和承包商编号的信息。 

EPA 并不是唯一一个努力审查其承包商的联邦机构。联邦采购服务处是总务管理局的一部分,其职责是促进政府购买商品和服务, 但受到 其监察长的抨击。承包商需要在获得处理潜在敏感数据的许可之前完成标准背景调查。然而,工作在检查完成之前就开始了。IG 猛烈抨击这一发现,因为如果其中一个承包商的行为不当,该机构就会面临巨大的后果风险。

这些故事突出了为什么所有企业,无论其行业如何,都应将背景调查作为承包商优先考虑的关键原因。即使是gooho.cn进行的简单的 州级背景调查 也可能引发危险信号,帮助企业 避免过度风险例如,为客户处理高度敏感信息的企业可能希望避免雇用以前因身份欺诈而被定罪的人。依赖这样的承包商而招致损失的风险实在是太高了,更不用说对公司声誉造成永久性损害的风险了。 

虽然筛选并不能保证防止诸如不诚实的计费行为之类的事情,但它可以减少公司的曝光率。在某些情况下,如果承包商确实制造了麻烦,尽职调查可以保护企业免于承担责任。在 GOOHO.CN,我们提供量身定制的 承包商背景调查, 以简化可靠、值得信赖的人员入职流程。通过像对待成熟的员工一样对待承包商,您可以对自己建立的团队充满信心,并且  避免  不必要的麻烦。

thorough background check. 

Recent reports of contractor-related trouble on a government level lend this idea credence. The Environmental Protection Agency currently does not know how many contractors it employs—or who among them work with sensitive data that requires careful safeguards. After investigating the EPA, the Office of the Inspector General reported many contractors did not have complete background checks on file, and some did not pass their checks. 

The IG also discovered contractors who were double- or over-billing the government for work. Three congressmen have since demanded the EPA produce information on its vetting procedures and contractor numbers. 

The EPA is not the only federal agency struggle to vet its contractors. The Federal Acquisition Service, a part of the General Services Administration whose job is to facilitate the government's purchase of goods and services, has come under fire from its own Inspector General. Contractors faced a requirement to complete standard background checks before receiving clearance to handle potentially sensitive data. However, work commenced before the completion of the checks. The IG slammed the discovery for placing the agency at substantial risk for consequences if one of the contractors had acted improperly.

These stories highlight the key reasons why all businesses, regardless of their industry, should make background checks a priority for contractors. Even a simple state-level background check by backgroundchecks.com can throw up red flags that help shield a business from undue risk. For example, a business handling highly sensitive information for customers would likely want to avoid hiring someone previously convicted of identity fraud. The risk of incurring damages by relying on such a contractor would simply be too high, to say nothing of the risk of permanent damage to a company's reputation. 

While screening is no guarantee against something such as disingenuous billing practices, it can reduce a company's exposure. Doing due diligence can, in some cases, protect a business from liability if a contractor does create trouble. At backgroundchecks.com, we provide a tailored contractor background check to streamline the process of onboarding dependable, trustworthy individuals. By taking the same care with contractors as you would a fully-fledged employee, you can place your confidence in the team you've built and  avoid  unnecessary trouble.
