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许多工作需要某种形式的专上教育。大多数雇主要求特定类型的学士学位,有些甚至可能需要研究生或博士学位。在其他情况下,申请人的学位或教育  荣誉  在招聘经理的眼中,将这个人提升到其他候选人之上。简而言之,教育是就业前筛选过程中不可或缺的一部分。因此, 教育验证检查 也很重要。

据统计,大多数雇主都曾发现求职者在简历上撒谎。各种验证检查通常旨在帮助根除这些不诚实行为。雇主根据员工的经验、技能、成就和整体能力来聘用他们。如果简历的任何部分被夸大,它可能会导致招聘经理在虚假情况下提供工作机会  假装 验证检查——包括 工作经历背景调查、 专业执照验证和教育背景调查——帮助雇主更有信心地招聘。

教育背景调查验证申请人在其简历的教育或学校教育部分提供的详细信息。此类详细信息可能包括就读机构、就读日期、学习计划、获得的学位以及任何  荣誉  与学位有关。


彻底的教育验证 可以突出简历教育部分的谎言、捏造和修饰。因此,这是降低不合格员工风险的极其有效的方法。


honors  elevate that person above other candidates in the eyes of a hiring manager. Simply put, education is an integral part of the pre-employment screening process. As a result, education verification checks are important as well.

Statistically, most employers have caught applicants lying on their resumes. Verification checks of all kinds are generally meant to help root out these instances of dishonesty. Employers hire people based on their experience, skills, accomplishments, and overall ability. If any part of a resume is exaggerated, it can lead a hiring manager to make a job offer under false  pretenses . Verification checks—including work history background checks, professional license verifications, and education background checks—help employers hire with more confidence.

An education background check verifies the details provided by an applicant in the education or schooling section of his or her resume. Such details may include institutions attended, dates of attendance, programs of study, degrees received, and any  honors  associated with the degree.

Typically, employers that use education verification checks will run an individual verification on each degree or diploma listed on the candidate’s resume. This process involves contacting the school, college, or university and asking the institution to verify the information included on the resume.

A thorough education verification can highlight lies, fabrications, and embellishments in the education section of the resume. As such, it is an extremely effective way to reduce the risk of an underqualified hire.

Resumé lies about education run the gamut from critical to relatively minor. For instance, if a candidate were embarrassed about having taken six or seven years to earn what is usually a four-year degree, she might tweak the dates of attendance to avoid awkward questions. In other cases, lies about education history are more severe: a candidate who attended a university but never graduated may try to claim a degree. In some cases, candidates fabricate entire degrees despite having never even set foot in the college or university they mention. An education background check can shine a light on any of these lies, both identifying candidates who are not honest and flagging applicants whose lies render them clearly unqualified for the position at hand.
