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什么是 2 级背景调查?

“1 级”和“2 级”背景调查是可以通用或专门使用的术语。在某些情况下,有人可能会使用这些术语来表示不同层次的背景调查。但是,通常是回答“什么是 2 级背景调查?”的最佳方式。查询指向佛罗里达州的州背景筛查系统。

佛罗里达州法规定义了 1 级和 2 级背景调查,并使用这些术语来规定雇主必须进行哪些类型的筛查。1 级背景调查是一种不太深入的筛查,包括仅基于州名的背景调查、工作经历验证搜索、当地县犯罪调查和性犯罪者登记检查。换句话说,1 级检查是一种相当基本的背景筛查策略。

与此同时,2 级背景调查会更深入。2 级检查通常包括对佛罗里达州执法部门保存的记录进行基于指纹的搜索、国家 FBI 犯罪历史搜索以及通过当地法院或执法机构进行的县犯罪记录搜索。

佛罗里达州要求雇主对涉及高度信任或责任的职位进行 2 级筛选。示例包括涉及与儿童、老人或其他弱势群体一起工作的工作。佛罗里达州法规关于 2 级背景调查的部分还提供了一份冗长的取消资格罪行清单,包括性行为不端、绑架、谋杀、过失杀人、乱伦,以及几乎所有涉及未成年人或老年人的指控。如果 2 级背景调查返回任何这些类别的定罪数据,则雇主不能雇用有问题的候选人。

那么,什么是 2 级背景调查?最具体和具体的定义仅适用于佛罗里达。上面讨论的细节不适用于其他州,也不适用于国家、联邦调查局或跨司法管辖区的检查。只有佛罗里达州使用此处讨论的这些定义,并且只有佛罗里达州员工需要遵守佛罗里达州法规中规定的规则。

The Florida Statutes define Level 1 and Level 2 background checks and use the terms to dictate what types of screenings employers must conduct. A Level 1 background check is a less in-depth screening that would include a state-only name-based background check, an employment history verification search, local county criminal searches, and sex offender registry checks. A Level 1 check, in other words, is a fairly basic background screening strategy.

A Level 2 background check, meanwhile, would be more in depth. Level 2 checks typically include fingerprint-based searches of records maintained by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, national FBI criminal history searches, and county criminal record searches through local courts or law enforcement agencies.

Florida requires employers to conduct Level 2 screenings for positions that involve significant levels of trust or responsibility. Examples include jobs that involve working with children, elderly persons, or other vulnerable populations. The Florida Statutes section on Level 2 background checks also provides a lengthy list of disqualifying offenses, including sexual misconduct, kidnapping, murder, manslaughter, incest, and virtually any charge involving minors or the elderly. If a Level 2 background check returns conviction data in any of these categories, the employer cannot hire the candidate in question.

So, what is a Level 2 background check? The most specific and concrete definition applies only to Florida. The details discussed above do not apply to other states, nor do they apply to national, FBI, or multi-jurisdictional checks. Only Florida uses these definitions as discussed here, and only Florida employees are required to abide by the rules laid forth in the Florida Statutes.
