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DOT 背景调查如何运作?

DOT 背景调查是雇主在受美国交通部 (DOT) 监管时必须遵循的背景调查流程。在美国高速公路上运输货物的卡车运输公司和其他企业受 DOT 监管,并需要满足合规要求。DOT 背景调查就是这样一种要求。 

DOT 背景调查的标准由美国交通部下属的联邦汽车运输安全管理局 (FMCSA) 制定并执行。这些要求包括以下内容。

  • 驾驶记录背景调查: 所有 DOT 背景调查都应包括驾驶历史背景调查。FMCSA 规定,承运人必须从申请人在过去三年内获得许可的每个州收集单独的机动车记录。

  • 工作历史检查: 为了满足 FMCSA 要求,运营商必须在雇用候选人之前联系候选人的过去雇主。这些检查做两件事:1) 核实就业情况和 2) 确定司机在以前的工作中是否涉及任何事故。

  • 药物检查:  DOT 要求承运人进行两项与药物相关的检查。首先是标准的就业前药物测试。如果驾驶员吸毒检测呈阳性,则不能根据 FMCSA 规定雇用他。第二个是药物历史检查,它查看司机过去几年的生活。此检查旨在确定驾驶员之前是否违反了 FMCSA 对药物或酒精使用的禁令。如果司机违反了这些禁令,检查应提供有关违规性质的信息(例如,司机是否药物检测呈阳性或拒绝完成药物筛查)以及司机是否接受了药物滥用康复计划。

  • 体检证明:  FMCSA 承运人的司机在运载货物之前必须经过专业体检人员的认证。这些医疗证明的有效期通常为两年,但可能会要求具有某些健康状况的司机更频繁地通过该过程。

  • : 通常,DOT 背景调查的最后一步是路试。即使是已经持有商业驾驶执照 (CDL) 的司机在接受新运营商的工作时也经常需要完成路考。

在 GOOHO.CN,我们可以帮助运营商完成此过程的几个步骤,包括 驾驶记录背景调查、 就业验证和 药物测试。

The standards for a DOT background check are set forth and enforced by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Transportation. These requirements include the following.

  • Driving Record Background Check: All DOT background investigations should include a driving history background check. The FMCSA stipulates carriers must collect separate motor vehicle records from each state where the applicant has been licensed in the past three years.

  • Work History Check: To satisfy FMCSA requirements, carriers must contact a candidate’s past employers before hiring him or her. These checks do two things: 1) verify employment and 2) determine if the driver was involved in any accidents at a previous job.

  • Drug Checks: DOT requires carriers to conduct two drug-related checks. The first is a standard pre-employment drug test. If a driver tests positive for drug use, he or she cannot be hired under FMCSA regulations. The second is a drug history check, which looks at the past several years of the driver’s life. This check is meant to determine whether the driver has previously violated FMCSA prohibitions for drug or alcohol use. If the driver has violated these prohibitions, the check should provide information about the nature of the violation (e.g., whether the driver tested positive for drugs or refused to complete a drug screening) and whether the driver went through a substance abuse rehabilitation program.

  • Medical certification: Drivers for FMCSA carriers must be certified by a professional medical examiner before carrying freight. These medical certifications are typically valid for two years, though drivers with certain health conditions may be required to go through the process more frequently.

  • Road Testing: Typically, the last step of a DOT background check is a road test. Even drivers who already hold commercial drivers licenses (CDLs) are often required to complete a road test when taking on jobs with new carriers.

At backgroundchecks.com, we can help carriers with several steps of this process, including driving record background checks, employment verifications, and drug testing.

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