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该日托中心名为 Creation Station Daycare,已于 1 月 13星期三上午关闭。公司的关闭是如此突然,以至于父母直到当天早上到达托儿所将孩子送走时才被告知此事。托儿所最近被一个名为耶稣生命中心的基督教组织购买,首席牧师立即注意到托儿所的一些问题,他认为需要关闭。

耶稣生命中心对日托中心进行的一项内部调查发现了一系列问题,包括多套书籍和工作人员缺少的认证。根据州法律,日托工作者必须接受背景调查、获得证书并接受心肺复苏术培训。显然,Creation Station Daycare 的一些工作人员缺少这些必要的步骤。

耶稣生命中心最初给了创造站日托工作人员三天的时间来整理他们的文件并证明他们的合规性。该组织还强调,他们正在寻找教师,而不是保姆或看护人。最终,员工选择遵守规定,因此日托中心关闭。工作人员不愿遵守州法律的情况说明了这一点,Creation Station 日托中心多年来从德克萨斯州家庭和保护服务部收到的违规记录也说明了这一点。除其他外,多年来,日托中心因未能跟上其健康和安全检查而被引用。



Fox affiliate, there is also suspicion that one of the staff members at the daycare was "acting inappropriate around children," though it isn't immediately clear what that particular accusation means.

The daycare in question, called Creation Station Daycare, was shut down as of the morning of Wednesday, January 13th. The closure of the business was so sudden that parents were not informed about it until they arrived at the daycare that morning to drop their kids off for the day. The daycare had recently been purchased by a Christian organization called Jesus Life Center, and the head pastor immediately noticed a few issues with the daycare that he believed necessitated a shutdown.

An internal investigation conducted of the daycare by Jesus Life Center turned up a slew of problems, including multiple sets of books and missing certifications for staff members. Under state law, daycare workers are required to undergo background checks, obtain a certificate, and go through CPR training. Evidently, some of the staff members at Creation Station Daycare were missing those required steps.

Jesus Life Center initially gave the Creation Station Daycare staff three days to get their documents in order and prove their compliance. The organization also stressed that they were looking for teachers more than babysitters or caregivers. Ultimately, the employees opted not to get compliant, so the daycare was closed. The unwillingness of staff to comply with state laws is telling, as is the history of infractions that Creation Station Daycare received over the years from the Texas Department of Department of Family and Protective Services. Among other things, the daycare had been cited over the years for failing to keep up with its health and safety inspections.

The major question is how the daycare managed to stay in business so long. Why did it take a new independent owner to shutter the business when the state department in charge of regulating daycares never did? Why was the daycare ever allowed to get away with missing inspections or background check reports?

Understandably, some local parents are upset that their daycare is gone and that they now have nowhere to take their kids during the workday. This situation is lucky, though, because there have so far been no reports of any children being abused at the daycare or hurt due to neglect or improper safety measures. There are always other daycares, and hopefully, they are better run and better regulated than this one was.

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