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  • 工作经历和参考调查

  • 学习经历

  • 犯罪记录

  • 机动车记录









  • 处理弱势群体,例如儿童、老人或患有持续疾病的人 

  • 在他们受雇的那些人之外承担新的责任 

  • 有权访问财务和敏感数据

  • 曾发生工伤事故

  • 显示(记录)物质成瘾或犯罪行为的迹象 

值得注意的是,Checkr 为希望升级其安全标准的公司提供持续检查。从背景调查完成的那一刻起,关于候选人记录的信息就开始形成差距。即使您每年重新运行检查,您仍然无法了解检查之间的候选人行为。让我们深入了解两种类型的连续检查:Continuous Crim(犯罪记录)和Continuous MVR(机动车记录)。 

1. 连续卷曲 

Continuous Crim 是一项订阅服务,可让您随时了解活跃员工的最新情况。它在后台运行,并实时通知您在职员工犯罪记录的可报告变化,并显示任何新的、可报告的犯罪记录。  


背景调查对于在雇用候选人之前了解您的风险至关重要,但是一旦背景调查完成,结果就会保持不变并且很快就会过时。根据Checkr 的数据,最近的行为比过去的行为更能反映当前的风险。持续的犯罪可以让您了解您的员工队伍,从而保护您的品牌声誉,从而做出更明智、更安全的招聘决策。 



随着驾驶经济的发展,安全创新者正在使用连续 MVR 来满足驾驶员安全的新标准。通过持续监控,当您的司机的驾照被吊销或暂停时,您会收到通知。连续 MVR 使您能够通过自动对发生违规或状态变化的驾驶员运行 MVR 来识别风险最高的驾驶员

为什么是连续 MVR?

过去一年违规的司机发生事故的可能性增加了43% 。但要对新事件进行最新了解并不容易。年度 MVR 通常在违规行为发生很久之后才会浮出水面。使用 Continuous MVR,比年度 MVR 早4 个多月发现事件。持续 MVR 的好处包括保证您的客户安全、降低保险成本、降低风险以及通过向客户展示您的关心来提升您的品牌。 

在此处了解有关连续 MVR的更多信息。 

FCRA 和重新筛选:犯罪背景调查持续多长时间?

《公平信用报告法》(FCRA)禁止消费者报告机构包括超过七年的犯罪历史,雇主不仅要考虑定罪的类型和严重程度,还要考虑候选人被定罪后的时间. 那么,在考虑七年规则时,犯罪背景调查需要多长时间?如果七年过去了,定罪不能用于雇用或解雇决定。它只考虑到它被要求的日期,并且应根据工作职责安排重新筛选。


GOOHO 认为,应该为所有候选人提供公平的就业机会,因为背景调查不应阻碍求职者的未来。在 GOOHO ,我们通过消除招聘和重新筛选过程中的摩擦来简化背景调查。立即联系我们,详细了解我们的 API 解决方案如何帮助您做出招聘决定。 

A background check looks into a candidate’s history based on criteria selected by a potential or present employer. An investigation into a candidate’s background will typically include:

  • Employment history and reference checks

  • Education history

  • Criminal records

  • Motor vehicle records

Each class of background check will disclose information specific to that category and carry its own criteria for validity. Background checks should be tailored to the company and position the candidate is being screened for. The candidate should be informed of the background check and will need to provide written consent. To understand what particular searches are being requested, candidates should seek clarity from their employer.

What is the purpose of a background check?

During the recruiting process, most companies pre-screen potential employees. Conducting pre-employment background checks allows organizations to confirm information regarding a candidate’s application. However, background checks are also performed during an employee’s tenure to confirm requirements continue to be met. Some industries have requirements for continued employment, such as a clean driving record for delivery drivers. 

How often do employers do background checks?

So, when do background checks expire? Most HR experts advise that organizations include a rescreening requirement every two to five years. This practice ensures that management is up-to-date on current employees at all times. It’s also advised that the rescreening process be implemented across all departments and seniority levels.

How long do background checks last?

Let’s go back to the example of summer camp earlier. Let’s say you have a trusted camp counselor that everybody knows and loves who comes back every year. Background checks are especially important when it comes to positions that involve vulnerable populations like children. So now you’re wondering: how long are background checks valid and do you need to rescreen your star camp counselor annually? 

Running background checks can take up time and resources, so how long is a background check good for? It depends, as there are specific instances worth noting. Although experts advocate for rescreening every two to five years, no federal or state regulations require it. However, some instances of essential rescreening include employees who:

  • Handle a vulnerable demographic, such as children, the elderly, or those with an ongoing medical condition 

  • Are taking on new responsibilities outside those for which they were hired 

  • Have access to financial and sensitive data

  • Have been engaged in a workplace accident

  • Shown (documented) signs of substance addiction or criminal conduct 

It’s worth noting that Checkr provides continuous checks for companies looking to upgrade their safety standards. From the moment a background check completes, a gap in information about your candidates’ record begins to form. Even if you re-run checks annually, you still lack visibility into candidate behavior between checks. Let’s dive into two types of continuous checks: Continuous Crim (criminal records) and Continuous MVR (motor vehicle records). 

1. Continuous Crim 

Continuous Crim is a subscription service that keeps you up to date on your active workforce.  It runs in the background and notifies you of reportable changes to your active workforce’s criminal records in real time, surfacing any new, reportable criminal records.  

Why continuous crim?

Background checks are critical to gaining an understanding of your risk before hiring a candidate, but once a background check is complete, the results remain static and soon become outdated. And according to Checkr data, recent behavior is far more reflective of current risk than past behavior. Continuous crim allows you to protect your brand’s reputation by keeping you in the know about your workforce so you make smarter and safer hiring decisions. 

To learn more about continuous crim, find more information here. 

2. Continuous MVR 

As the driving economy expands, safety innovators are using continuous MVR to meet the new standard in driver safety. With continuous monitoring, you’ll be notified when your drivers have had their license revoked or suspended. Continuous MVRs give you the ability to identify the most at-risk drivers by automatically running MVRs on drivers who have had a violation or status change

Why continuous MVR?

Drivers with violations in the past year are 43% more likely to get in an accident. But getting an up-to-date look into new incidents isn’t easy. An annual MVR often doesn’t surface violations until long after they’ve happened. With Continuous MVR, find incidents 4+ months sooner than an annual MVR. The benefits of continuous MVR include keeping your customers safe, reducing insurance costs, reducing risk, and improving your brand by showing customers you care. 

Learn more about continuous MVR here. 

FCRA and rescreenings: how long does a criminal background check last?

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) prohibits consumer reporting agencies from including criminal histories older than seven years and employers must take into account not only the type and severity of the conviction, but also the amount of time that has elapsed since the candidate was convicted. So, how long is a criminal background check good for when considering the seven-year rule? If the seven years have passed, the conviction cannot be used in hiring or firing decisions. It only accounts up to the date that it’s requested, and rescreening should be scheduled based on job duties.

Build a better future with fair background checks

Checkr believes that all candidates should be given a fair opportunity at employment because a background check shouldn’t block the future for individuals looking for employment. At Checkr, we simplify the background check by removing friction from your hiring and rescreening processes. Contact us today to learn more about how our API solution can help with your hiring decisions. 
