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为了规范新奥尔良的旅游业,该市实施了更高的标准,包括背景调查,以使导游获得执照。这对至少四名目前正在起诉该市违反第一修正案的城市导游来说并不合适。除了背景调查,新规定还包括通过城市历史考试和药物测试。导游的律师马修·米勒(Matthew Miller)说,他的客户正在参与一种“受宪法保护”的做法,与街头表演者或类似活动没有太大区别。

新申请人必须在历史考试中获得至少 70% 的分数,提供尿液样本进行药物测试,并且每两年必须提交 FBI背景调查申请人必须为测试支付大约 80 美元。不符合要求可能会导致每次违规罚款 300 美元和监禁 5 个月。米勒的一位客户坎迪斯·卡根拒绝遵守,尽管她的执照已过期,但目前仍在进行巡回演出。米勒说,他的客户认为这些要求“完全无礼”。当卡根试图更新她的执照时,她拒绝让该市保留她的社会安全号码的记录,这导致她的申请被拒绝。

该市的该案律师莎朗达·威廉姆斯(Sharonda Williams)坚持认为,该市只是“规范商业和行为,而不是言论”。尽管威廉姆斯无法提供新奥尔良导游对顾客造成人身伤害的例子,但她确实表示,一些游客抱怨被“不合格或无证”的导游“欺骗”。该案于 9 月 6 日举行的听证会尚未决定。米勒说,威廉姆斯“承认……她没有”“有证据表明需要获得导游执照”。根据米勒的说法,目前该市约有 500 名持牌导游,而无证工作的人数不详。米勒说,这些规定已经存在好几年了,但直到最近才由市长执行。


导游的律师马修·米勒(Matthew Miller)说,他的客户正在参与一种“受宪法保护”的做法,与街头表演者或类似活动没有太大区别。

新申请人必须在历史考试中获得至少 70% 的分数,提供尿液样本进行药物测试,并且每两年必须提交 FBI背景调查申请人必须为测试支付大约 80 美元。不符合要求可能会导致每次违规罚款 300 美元和监禁 5 个月。米勒的一位客户坎迪斯·卡根拒绝遵守,尽管她的执照已过期,但目前仍在进行巡回演出。米勒说,他的客户认为这些要求“完全无礼”。当卡根试图更新她的执照时,她拒绝让该市保留她的社会安全号码的记录,这导致她的申请被拒绝。

该市的该案律师莎朗达·威廉姆斯(Sharonda Williams)坚持认为,该市只是“规范商业和行为,而不是言论”。尽管威廉姆斯无法提供新奥尔良导游对顾客造成人身伤害的例子,但她确实表示,一些游客抱怨被“不合格或无证”的导游“欺骗”。该案于 9 月 6 日举行的听证会尚未决定。米勒说,威廉姆斯“承认……她没有”“有证据表明需要获得导游执照”。根据米勒的说法,目前该市约有 500 名持牌导游,而无证工作的人数不详。米勒说,这些规定已经存在好几年了,但直到最近才由市长执行。


In an attempt to regulate the tourism industry in New Orleans, the city has implemented higher standards, including background checks, in order for tour guides to become licensed. This does not sit well for at least four current city tour guides, who are suing the city for First Amendment violations. In addition to the background check, the new regulations include passing a city history exam, and a drug test. The guides’ attorney, Matthew Miller, said that his clients are participating in a practice that is “constitutionally protected,” not much different than street performers or similar activities.

New applicants are required to obtain a score of at least 70 percent on the history exam, give a urine sample for the drug test, and every two years must submit to a FBI background check. Applicants must pay about $80 for the tests. Failure to meet the requirements could result in a fine of $300 per infraction and a five month jail sentence. One of Miller’s clients, Candace Kagan, is refusing to comply and is currently giving tours despite her license being expired. Miller said his client found the requirements to be “totally offensive.” When Kagan attempted to renew her license, she refused to allow the city to maintain a record of her Social Security number, which caused her application to be rejected.

The city’s attorney for the case, Sharonda Williams, maintains that the city is merely “regulating business and conduct, not speech.” Although Williams was unable to provide examples of New Orleans tour guides physically harming a customer, she did say some tourists have complained about being “scammed” by guides who are “unqualified or unlicensed.” The hearing of the case, which took place September 6, has yet to be decided. Miller said that Williams “admitted...she did not” have “evidence showing a need to license tour guides.” According to Miller, there are currently about 500 licensed guides in the city, and an unknown number who work without a license. Miller said that the regulations have been on the books for several years, but were only recently being enforced by the mayor. Licensed tour guide and Haunted History Tours manager Kalila Smith believes having tour guides register with the city is a good idea, and that “background checks…are absolutely necessary.”

City governments around the country are increasing regulations for various industries to include background checks, as discussed in the article Arkansas City is Requiring Background Checks on All Solicitors. Even if they are not required by law, performing pre-employment background checks is an important way for employers to gauge the suitability of potential employees. Also, by using a reputable company like backgroundchecks.com, you can be assured you are getting the best and most thorough background check screening techniques available. With access to countless criminal databases nationwide they have many options available, several with instant results. Their Ongoing Criminal Monitoring tool allows you to automatically run a continuous background check against a name and date of birth. You will be notified via email of any new information that may appear on their record. They will run the name for one year and remind you when it is time to renew the monitoring, plus you can remove the name from being monitored at any time. You can also try their National Wants and Warrants search. This search will give results within one to two days, and is a nationwide search of local, county, state, and Federal extraditable warrants, and may include misdemeanors or felonies. Most law enforcement agencies contribute to this database.
