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  • 法律合规法律合规涉及多个组成部分。首先,许多职位需要就业背景审查。教师、医疗保健专业人员和财务顾问是通常具有强制性筛选要求的职位示例。其次,有些工作要求员工拥有特定的学位、证书或执照。第三,大多数国家要求雇员证明他们有在该国工作的合法权利。Accurate 的国际背景审查将有助于满足这些和其他类似的法律合规要求。

  • 凭证验证仅仅因为申请人在他们的简历中列出了一些东西并不能保证他们确实拥有该资格。可悲的是,简历欺诈太普遍了。Accurate 的凭据验证服务可帮助您确定简历信息的正确性和可靠性。

  • 风险缓解虽然过去的行为并不是未来行为的完美预测指标,但有关过去行为的信息可以帮助您避免雇用对您的组织构成明显威胁的个人。如果您的工作场所发生犯罪,它还可以保护您免受因疏忽雇佣而提起的诉讼。

  • 优质招聘归根结底,就业验证的目的是帮助您为您的团队找到高质量的新员工。这意味着雇用合格、诚实和安全的人。Accurate 的国际就业筛选有助于解决所有这些问题。












不同的国家处理信息的方式不同。有些有可搜索的数据库;其他人仍在进行手动搜索。在法国,没有信用报告机构,因此几乎不可能进行信用检查。Accurate 拥有丰富的经验和资源,可帮助您从近 200 个国家/地区获得所需的东西。


获取信息只是一项挑战;理解信息完全是另一个问题。某些凭证在世界各地的定义可能不同。此外,根据获得许可证的职业或地点,专业许可证的外观也可能有所不同。获得申请人的信息后,您需要专家帮助才能做出明智的决定。Accurate 的 Accurate 在国际就业背景调查服务方面拥有多年的经验,涵盖了从身份验证和董事职位搜索到全球观察等所有筛选范围。



  • 身份验证

  • 公民身份和签证

  • 董事搜索

  • 驾驶记录

  • 制裁搜索

  • 信用报告

  • 药物检测

  • 犯罪史

  • 全球观察搜索

  • One particular area of concern is employment verifications. Security is important and verifying an applicant’s past employment is a critical component of safe and responsible hiring practices. For example, verifying a candidate’s employment history such as where they worked, job titles or credentials will allow employers to make better hiring decisions for the open positions within their organization.

  • Why Screening International Candidates is Important

  • Conducting background checks on all your hires, including your global ones, delivers the following benefits:

  • Legal Compliance. There are several components involved in legal compliance. First, many positions require employment background screenings. Teachers, healthcare professionals, and financial advisors are examples of positions that often have mandated screening requirements. Second, some jobs require the employee to possess specific degrees, certificates, or licenses. Third, most countries demand that employees prove they have a legal right to work in that country. Accurate’s international background screenings will help satisfy these and other similar legal compliance requirements.

  • Credential Verification. Just because an applicant lists something on their resume is no guarantee they actually hold that qualification. Resume fraud is sadly all too common. Accurate’s credential verification services help you know for certain that resume information is correct and reliable.

  • Risk Mitigation. While past behavior is not a perfect predictor of future behavior, information about past behavior can help you avoid hiring an individual who poses an obvious threat to your organization. It can also protect you from negligent hiring lawsuits if a crime is committed at your workplace.

  • Quality Hires. At the end of the day, the purpose of employment verification is to help you find high quality new hires for your team. That means hiring folks who are qualified, honest, and safe. Accurate’s international employment screens help with all that and more.

  • Why are International Hires on the Rise?

  • More and more companies are taking advantage of modern technological solutions that make conducting verifications fast, easy, and affordable. At the same time, the ready availability of global travel and the increase in remote working options mean that running these background checks involves locations and information outside the United States. As our world gets smaller, these types of verifications will become the rule rather than the exception.

  • What Makes International Hiring So Challenging?

  • A number of factors make international employment verifications more challenging than domestic checks. These challenges include the following:

  • Local Laws

  • Every country has its own unique laws surrounding background checks and the use of personal information. What’s legal here at home is not necessarily legal abroad and vice versa. You need experienced help to stay in compliance with laws around the world.

  • Local Customs

  • It’s important to acknowledge that best practices differ from country to country. Finding and hiring great talent necessitates demonstrating sensitivity to local customs; you never want to lose a top-notch hire because your request for background information was confusing or offensive.

  • Multiple Jurisdictions

  • It’s not unusual for international candidates to have multiple jurisdictions on their applications and resumes. People who move around move around, which means they’ve likely lived, worked, and studied in a variety of places, making the verification process more complicated.

  • Availability of Information

  • Different countries handle information differently. Some have searchable databases; others still conduct manual searches. In France, there are no credit reporting agencies, so credit checks are nearly impossible. Accurate has the experience and resources to help you get what you need from nearly 200 countries.

  • Interpretation of Findings

  • Attaining the information is only one challenge; understanding the information is another issue entirely. Certain credentials can be defined differently around the world. Furthermore, professional licenses can also look different depending on the occupation or location the license was acquired. Once you get an applicant’s information, you need expert help to make an informed decision. Accurate’s  Accurate’s years of experience with international employment background check services cover the full scope of screenings, from ID verifications and directorship searches to Global Watch and more.

  • What Other International Services Does Accurate Provide?

  • The phrase “background check” can mean a variety of things. As an employer, you can choose to screen potential employees in any number of ways depending on the requirements of the position. Accurate offers the following services for international candidates:

  • ID verification

  • Citizenship and visas

  • Directorship searches

  • Driving records

  • Sanctions searches

  • Credit reports

  • Drug testing

  • Criminal history

  • Global Watch searches

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