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本文是观火背调2020年医疗保健聚焦报告的主要发现系列的第 2 部分,该报告基于观火 年度就业筛选基准调查中特定于该行业的调查受访者。这篇文章揭示了申请人欺诈的普遍性。

对于各种规模的医疗保健组织来说,寻找合格的人才可能是一项重大挑战。与此同时,医疗保健组织面临的一个日益严重的问题是,聘用撒谎或歪曲其证书、资格或工作经历的申请人的风险。超过三分之一的受访者(39%) 不确定他们的申请人是否在简历或申请中撒谎。这一统计数据非常令人不安,因为不合格的员工可能对患者护理、员工安全和组织的整体品牌构成威胁


近四分之三 (74%) 的雇主报告说,筛查发现了一个原本不会被发现的问题

超过一半的雇主 (54%) 报告说,筛选确定了在申请或简历中撒谎的个人。


要阅读有关医疗保健组织面临的筛查挑战以及解决这些挑战的方法的第 1 部分,请单击此处。请继续关注本系列的第三篇文章,了解我们的调查发现的就业筛选的三大好处。

HireRight’s 2014 Health Care Spotlight report based on survey respondents specific to that industry in HireRight’s annual Employment Screening Benchmarking Survey. This article reveals the prevalence of applicant fraud.

Finding qualified talent can be a major challenge for health care organizations of all sizes. At the same time, a growing problem faced by health care organizations is the risk of hiring an applicant who has lied or misrepresented their credentials, qualifications or employment history. More than one-third of respondents (39%)weren’t sure if their applicants have lied on their resume or application. This statistic is very troubling as ineligible hires may pose a threat to patient care, employee safety, and the organization’s overall brand

Many health care employers use employment screening to determine if applicants are being truthful. The importance of this task cannot be overlooked, as data clearly demonstrates the benefits of using employment screening to identify applicants that have provided false information:

Nearly three-quarters of employers (74%) reported that screening uncovered an issue that that would not have been caught otherwise

More than half of employers (54%) reported that screening identified individuals who lied on their application or resume.

All healthcare organizations should consider whether their current screening process adequately protects against the risk of hiring an individual that is unqualified, unlicensed or unsafe. If the answer to this question is ‘No’, you should consider reviewing your current screening procedures and processes to determine how you can maintain a compliant program that identifies ineligible employees before they are hired.

To read Part 1 on screening challenges health care organizations face and ways to address them click here.  Stay tuned for our third article in the series to discover what our survey found to be the top three benefits of employment screening.