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在过去的二十年里,就业背景审查已成为各种规模的组织和几乎所有行业的普遍做法,以帮助提高招聘质量。人力资源和相关专业人士对观火背调的 2020 年度就业筛选基准做出回应,阐明了从进行就业筛选中获得的一些好处。

观火背调发现几乎所有受访者 (93%) 都表示他们从进行就业筛选中获得了好处,56% 的人表示最大的好处是提高了招聘质量。

这是一个重要的发现,因为美国劳工部指出,不当雇用的成本可能超过该人年薪的 30%。因此,对于年薪 25,000 美元的员工来说,一次糟糕的雇佣成本可能是 32,500 美元。对于年收入 20 万美元的高管来说,成本可能是 26 万美元。

在美国,27% 的雇主报告称,一次糟糕的雇佣成本超过了 50,000 美元。不当雇佣的金钱成本可能包括招聘、入职、培训和可能的遣散费。


此外,交通组织特别强调背景审查提高了他们的招聘质量,因为 70% 的受访者认为这是一种好处。



受访者被问及背景调查是否曾发现申请人撒谎或歪曲信息。压倒性的 88% 的人说是。

52% 的受访者还提到了就业筛查的主要好处是提高了安全性。


近四分之三 (72%) 的受访者表示,背景调查发现了原本不会被发现的问题。


Hiring top talent and minimizing the risk of bad hires are essential goals for all organizations. After all, employees are the face of organizations to both customers and the world, and high-caliber employees who deliver on their commitments are a keystone of building great organizations.

Creating effective hiring practices, including employment screening, are an investment in growing a successful and efficient organization and may help prevent future issues including brand damage, risk and exposure, and help you improve your quality of hire.

Employment Background Screening Helps Improve Quality of Hires

Over the last two decades, employment background screening has become common practice in organizations of all sizes and in nearly all industries to help improve the quality of hires. Human resources and related professionals responding to HireRight’s 2014 Annual Employment Screening Benchmark shed light on some of the benefits received from conducting employment screening.

HireRight discovered that nearly all respondents (93%) reported that they received benefits from conducting employment screening, and 56% said the top benefit was improved quality of hires.

This is an important finding, as the U.S. Department of Labor cites that the cost of a bad hire can exceed 30% of the person’s annual salary. So for an employee making $25K per year, the cost of a bad hire could be $32,500. For an executive making $200K per year, the cost could be $260,000.

In the United States, 27% of employers reported the cost of a bad hire exceeded $50,000. Monetary costs of a bad hire can include recruiting, on-boarding, training, and possibly severance.

This amount does not account for non-financial costs, which could be higher, such as employee morale, interruptions to workflow, the impact on customer relationships, negative perceptions among existing employees, service quality and brand reputation, and possible damage to a company’s reputation.

In addition, transportation organizations were particularly vocal that background screening improved their quality of hires, as 70% of respondents cited this as a benefit.

Background Screening Helps Confirm Information and Credentials Provided 

One of the reasons an employer performs background screening is to confirm information supplied by a job candidate.

Respondents were asked whether background screening had ever uncovered an applicant who lied or misrepresented information. An overwhelming 88% said yes.

Fifty-two percent of respondents also cited the key benefits of employment screening were improved safety and security.

Effective screening at the time of hire can help mitigate an organization’s risk for a number of factors including workplace violence, theft, and other security concerns.

Nearly three-quarters of respondents (72%) reported that background screening uncovered issues that would not otherwise have been found.

What benefits has your organization realized from background screening?
