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在某些情况下,雇主可能会更深入地调查候选人的犯罪历史,例如涉及异常高责任的职位。 联邦背景调查 更详细,具体取决于所涉及的安全许可级别。其他雇主可能会在当地县搜索之外加强他们的犯罪历史检查,  以包括 基于候选人地址历史的州存储库、 多辖区数据库和其他县搜索 。


驾驶记录背景调查 对于任何涉及驾驶机动车辆的职位都至关重要,从 UPS 送货司机到长途卡车司机再到救护车司机。这些检查通常与不涉及驾驶的工作无关,例如在静坐餐厅担任服务员。如果雇主不打算发现与手头工作相关的任何信息,他们就没有充分的理由投资于驾驶记录背景调查。

金融机构可能会相当重视 信用记录, 以评估一个人的财务责任。大多数其他雇主不需要披露这些信息。 教育 或 专业执照背景调查 仅适用于雇主希望或要求或法律规定的职位。  某些工作可能需要进行药物测试,但并非所有工作都需要进行药物测试。


Most employers devise employee screening policies with criminal history checks as the foundation. Criminal checks are the most common type of background check and the least likely to change from one job to the next.

In some cases, an employer may delve deeper into a candidate’s criminal history, such as for a position that involves an unusually high level of responsibility. Federal background checks are more detailed depending on the level of security clearance at stake. Other employers may ramp up their criminal history checks from beyond local county searches to include state repositories, multi-jurisdictional databases, and other county searches based on the candidate’s address history.

Often, the most significant differences in an employee background check from one job to the next are related to checks that don’t involve criminal history. The reason is that certain background checks are intended to find information that will only be relevant to certain employers.

Driving record background checks are critical for any position that involves operating a motor vehicle, from UPS delivery driver to long-haul trucker to ambulance driver. These checks are typically irrelevant for a job that doesn’t involve driving, such as a server position at a sit-down restaurant. There isn’t a strong reason for employers to invest in driving record background checks if they aren’t going to discover any information that is relevant to the job at hand.

Financial institutions may put considerable weight into credit history to assess a person’s financial responsibility. Most other employers have no need to uncover that information. Education or professional license background checks are only necessary for positions for which those credentials are either desired or required by the employer, or mandated by law. Drug tests may be legally required for some jobs but not for all jobs.

Many different factors influence the types of background checks that employers should or must conduct. Ideally, each employer should take the time and care to design an employee background check policy that takes legal requirements, job responsibilities, and company values into account.
