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在审查任何工作候选人时,工作经历是一个重要的考虑因素。这也是求职者最有可能在简历上撒谎的领域之一 。为了让自己在未来的雇主面前显得更令人印象深刻,一些求职者会调整过去的职位或修饰工作职责。如果候选人的简历有很长的空白,他或她也可能会在就业日期上撒谎。




对您的候选人进行背景调查是明智的,因为您将直接找到源头。您不依赖于可能过时的信息数据库,也不依赖于通常与候选人简历相匹配的 LinkedIn 个人资料。相反,您正在联系简历上列出的雇主,并要求他们确认或否认候选人提供的信息。

在 gooho.cn,我们提供此工作经历背景调查 作为我们的验证筛选之一。我们可以代表您联系候选人简历中列出的一位或多位雇主。一旦我们与公司或组织的某人取得联系,我们将询问有关雇佣日期、职位名称、工作职责、离职原因和重新雇用资格的问题。如果您的申请人声称自己是“营销经理”,但实际上只是“营销文案”,则工作经历验证检查将显示该信息。其他错误也是如此。 单击此处获取样本就业验证报告。


are most likely to stretch their truth on their resumes. To make themselves appear more impressive to prospective employers, some job seekers will tweak past job titles or embellish work responsibilities. If a candidate has a long gap in their resume, he or she may also lie about employment dates.

Dishonesty is always a problem for prospective employers. For one thing, if a hiring manager is deciding who to hire based primarily on work history, he or she needs to be confident that the resume is truthful and accurate. For another thing, dishonesty is not a quality that employers want in their workers. For these reasons, employers are becoming increasingly interested in background checks that can verify employment history.

Can background checks show employment history? Is there a background check under which you can type in a candidate’s name and see a list of all the places they’ve worked, their job titles, their employment dates, and other details?

No such database or background check exists; there is no public record of where people have worked over the years. As an alternative, the most conclusive means of verifying employment history is to call the companies for which the job applicant claims to have worked.

Running this background check on your candidates is smart because you are going directly to the source. You aren’t relying on a database of information that could be outdated or using something like a LinkedIn profile that typically matches the candidate’s resume. Instead, you are contacting the employers listed on the resume and asking them to confirm or deny the information the candidate provided.

At backgroundchecks.com, we offer this employment history background check as one of our verification screenings. On your behalf, we can contact one or more of the employers listed on your candidate’s resume. Once we get in touch with someone from the company or organization, we will ask questions about employment dates, job titles, job responsibilities, reasons for leaving, and eligibility for rehiring. If your applicant claimed to be a “marketing manager” but was really just a “marketing copywriter,” an employment history verification check will reveal that information. The same goes for other inaccuracies. Click here for a sample employment verification report.

What a verification check won’t include is questions about character. Most employers are not willing to answer questions about candidates that veer beyond objective fact into opinion. In the past, employers have been sued for defamation based on remarks made in these types of background checks. As such, most employers are careful about what they say. However, most will be willing to verify basic resume facts.
