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不幸的是,在简历上撒谎是许多申请人愿意做的事情,如果这会增加他们获得工作的机会。关于工作经历的谎言 是简历不诚实的最常见形式之一候选人会调整职位名称,让他们听起来更令人印象深刻,编辑就业日期以填补他们工作经历中的空白,并美化他们的工作职责。候选人伪造其工作经历的全部部分并非闻所未闻。

潜在雇主可以使用背景调查来验证就业。但是,用于验证雇主的背景调查可能不会采用您期望的形式。 没有可搜索的数据库 可以让您在一个地方查看和验证候选人的整个工作历史。相反,您需要通过与每个过去的雇主交谈来验证工作历史事实。

在 GOOHO.CN,我们以就业验证服务的形式提供此检查 当您购买此支票时,我们将获取您的候选人在其简历中提供的信息,并使用您希望验证的每个雇主的个人验证支票联系列出的过去雇主。在致电过去的雇主时,我们会请企业人员(通常是人力资源代表)核实您的候选人的关键详细信息,包括担任的职位、所涉及的职责和就业日期。在某些情况下,我们还可以询问离职原因或重新雇用的资格。

最后,我们会根据您聘请我们进行的验证背景调查或检查准备一份报告。每份报告 都将包括 对候选人提供的信息以及我们能够直接从雇主那里学到的信息的并排比较如果存在差异,您将很容易发现它们。然后,您可以在做出招聘决定时考虑这些信息。

Unfortunately, lying on resumes is something that many applicants are willing to do if it increases their chances of securing a job. Lies about employment history are among the most common forms of resume dishonesty. Candidates will tweak job titles to make them sound more impressive, edit employment dates to fill gaps in their work history, and embellish their work responsibilities. It’s not unheard of for candidates to fabricate entire parts of their work history.

Prospective employers can use background checks to verify employment. A background check to verify employers may not take the form you expect it to, however. There is no searchable database that will allow you to view and verify a candidate’s entire work history in one place. Instead, you will need to verify work history facts by speaking with each past employer.

At backgroundchecks.com, we offer this check in the form of our Employment Verification service. When you purchase this check, we will take the information your candidate provided on his or her resume and contact the past employers listed using an individual verification check for each employer you wish to verify. During these calls to past employers, we ask someone from the business—usually an HR representative—to verify key details about your candidate, including the positions held, responsibilities involved, and dates of employment. In some cases, we may also be able to ask about reasons for leaving or eligibility for rehire.

Finally, we prepare a report based on the verification background check or checks that you hired us to conduct. Each report will include side-by-side comparisons of the information the candidate provided and what we were able to learn directly from the employer. If there are discrepancies, they will be easy for you to spot. You can then take this information into account when making your hiring decision.
