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自这些逮捕以来,社区一直强烈要求扩大目前进行的背景调查。几位家长表示,他们过去曾对 Ettlinger 提出过投诉,但这些投诉可能没有得到应有的彻底调查。2012 年 1 月,除了最初的儿童色情罪名外,他还被指控对儿童犯下三项单独的性犯罪指控。他被指控接触的所有孩子都不是他的学生。


像 GOOHO这样的公司肯定是牛顿市合作的绝佳选择。他们有多种产品,如即时全国性背景调查,他们公司设计的美国罪犯 OneSEARCH可以与月度监测相结合,从而能够检查全国性犯罪者的登记情况。使用  GOOHO 的持续犯罪监测等产品,牛顿市在检查员工背景时将更加负责。

After the arrest of one of their elementary school teachers who has been accused of several child pornography crimes, the Superintendent of Newton, MA schools has announced that the city has formed a task force in order to look at the way future hires are screened. Specifically, the task force, which is made of members of several city and school departments, will look at hiring practices and the current policies regarding background checks of both school and city employees.

A few days after the teacher, David Ettlinger, was arrested on charges of child pornography, a city librarian, Peter Buchanan, was also arrested on unrelated child pornography charges. The city of Newton was understandably shocked, but immediately rose to action by setting up this task force in order to keep their children and other residents safe. Both Ettlinger and Buchanan have pleaded not guilty.

Since these arrests, there has been an outcry from the community to expand the background checks that are currently done. Several parents state they made complaints in the pasts about Ettlinger that may have not been looked into as thoroughly as they should have been. In the month of January, 2012, he was charged with three separate charges of sex crimes against children, which are in addition to the original child pornography charges. None of the children that he is accused of being in contact with were his students.

Both Ettlinger and Buchanan were given background checks, but only when they were hired. Ettlinger was hired three years ago and Buchanan had been with the city library for ten years. Neither man had any problems with their background checks at the time of hiring, but only state wide records were checked. The limited scope of that search and the fact it was only carried out once are certainly some of the things that will likely be changed once the task force begins looking at the way the background checks have been done in the past.

Companies like backgroundchecks.com would certainly be a great choice for the city of Newton to partner with. They have several products like instant national focused background checks and their company designed US Offender OneSEARCH that can be combined with monthly monitoring which will be able to check sex offender registries nationwide. With products like backgroundchecks.com’s Ongoing Criminal Monitoring, the city of Newton will be much more responsible when checking the backgrounds of their employees.
