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纽约大主教管区遭受了 100 万美元的损失,如果他们选择对为他们工作的人进行背景调查,这一切都是可以避免的。八年前,安妮塔·柯林斯受雇于大主教管区的应付账款部门。她自愿参加教堂活动,祈祷,经常参加弥撒,甚至在大主教管区的报纸上被提及为教堂的杰出成员。然而,他们不知道的是,柯林斯从教堂偷钱,以资助据称对邮购娃娃和熊以及其他物品的沉迷。

据称柯林斯多年来一直从大主教管区拿钱,但直到 2011 年 12 月教会组织对其财务进行审计时才注意到这一点。她被质问这笔钱,随后被终止,教会将案件提交给曼哈顿地区检察官办公室。地方检察官办公室发现了柯林斯写给她儿子的468张大主教管区的支票。支票写好后,据称她会更改账本,以反映支票已被送到合法的地方。柯林斯被指控犯有重大盗窃罪和伪造商业记录。如果罪名成立,她可能面临最高 25 年的监禁。

值得注意的是,大主教管区目前确实进行了背景调查,如果他们对柯林斯进行了背景调查,他们会发现这不是她第一次因盗窃而陷入困境。她被指控从前雇主那里窃取了超过 45,000 美元,当时她还被指控签发重复支票。她认罪,获得缓刑和社区服务,在被大主教管区雇用时从未提及这一点。当大主教管区强制要求对新员工进行背景调查时,他们有另一个机会了解柯林斯的背景。由于他们只对新员工而不是在职员工进行背景调查,柯林斯再次陷入困境。


The Archdiocese of New York has been victimized to the tune of a million dollars and all of it could have been prevented if they had chosen to do background checks on those who worked for them. Anita Collins was hired by the Archdiocese eight years ago in the accounts payable department. She volunteered at church events, prayed, attended mass often and was even mentioned in the Archdiocese newspaper as an outstanding member of the church. What they didn’t know, however, was that Collins was stealing money from the church in order to fund an alleged addiction to mail order dolls and bears, along with other items.

Collins has allegedly been taking money from the Archdiocese for years, but it was not noted until December, 2011 when the church organization did an audit of their finances. She was confronted about the money, subsequently terminated and the church referred the case to the Manhattan district attorney’s office. The district attorney’s office has found 468 checks from the Archdiocese written by Collins to her son. After the checks were written, she would allegedly change the ledger to reflect that the checks had gone to a legitimate place. Collins has been charged with grand larceny and falsifying business records. She could face up to 25 years in prison if convicted.

It is important to note that the Archdiocese does perform background checks presently, and if they had performed a background check on Collins, they would have found this was not the first time she has been in trouble for theft. She was accused of stealing over $45,000 from a former employer and she was also accused of issuing duplicate checks at that time. She plead guilty, was given probation and community service and never mentioned this when hired by the Archdiocese. The Archdiocese had another opportunity to find out about Collins’ background when they made it mandatory to perform background checks on their new employees. Since they only do background checks on new employees and not present employees, Collins fell through the cracks again.

This incident is simply another example of why it is important to perform background checks on every employee and not just new employees. Hiring a third party background check company like backgroundchecks.com will make this process easy. The product called Single State OneSEARCH would have picked up Collins’ previous conviction and saved the Archdiocese a lot of time, headache and not to mention, money.
